I'm smoking Five Brothers in a Falcon Extra this afternoon, and learning a lesson in conventional wisdom not always being correct.
I really liked Five Brothers when I first tried it straight out of the package and it was dry as a bone. It had a nice nutty flavor and was surprisingly smooth for such a strong Burley blend. Thinking that it would probably become even smoother and more flavorful if I rehydrated it a bit, I sealed it up in an 8 ounce Ball jar with a pouch button moisturizer stone for a couple days to bring it back up to a more typical pipe tobacco moisture level.
After rehydrating it I smoked it again this afternoon, and it was absolutely awful. The pleasant softly nutty was gone and was replaced by something acrid that reminded me vaguely of burnt coffee, and the smoke became ridiculously harsh and abrasive! Lesson learned, leave Five Brothers dry as a bone and don't attempt to rehydrate it.
I'm setting the rest out on a plate overnight to re-dry and see if it improves, though I fear the hydration may have ruined it and i might have to just throw the rest out and buy a new pouch. At least it wasn't a very expensive blend, and a new pouch should only set me back $6 or so. You live, you learn.