Continuing my hernia lockdown in style, practicing slow smoking techniques with various pipes, and tobaccos. and basically smoking my brains out. The main personal observations I have at this point regarding slow smoking, is it tastes better, you smoke less tobacco, which especially with small pipes gives substantially more longevity to prized, scarce stock. But most noticeable so far has been that the dreaded tongue bite is minimized drastically.
Not going through everything but I'll itemize my best smoke of the day, and my only failure so far. All is not peachy perfect in learning land.
Best smoke: A month ago, I would have said "No way!!" but after my crow eating confession, a certain tobacco has risen to the top echelon to my heap of favourintes. A fantastic smoke with my
Brigham Tundra B7, which has a very large bowl, stuffed it with
Autumn Evening. I did a loose 2 pack anticipating about 50 minutes, and got 75 easily. Tasted every nuance, including the wonderful maple notes. I'm a convert. Pipe and tobacco worked perfectly together.
Shown with my new Linux Distro which is still flummoxing me somewhat, but it'll be fine once I'm used to it. Much more security added onto it after being hacked a couple of times.

Now for the failure, bigtime. One of my favourite tobaccos,
TobaccoBarn's "Traditional English" coupled with one of my best smoking pipes, an English dedicated
Brigham Tundra 026S rusticated Rhodesian, which had never failed to deliver before, did today.
Reason? Tobacco was WAAYYYYY too moist. I'd refilled the jar out of the bag, and didn't dry it. I struggled with dying cherries, relights, and frustration. This tobacco in my past experience tasted best when quite dry, and this was plain and simply carelessness. I was frustrated throughout, and got a dose of tonguebite as well. Not bad but . . . .
I'm drying the tobacco now, and will repeat the smoke with the same duo day after tomorrow. Going to lick my wounds now.