A third of the way through this bowl of year 2021 Watch City Glass Slipper Micro-Batch in a post-2000 straight brown sandblasted Tom Eltang cherrywood with a black acrylic saddle stem.
All the ferals were here to eat when I got up today, except for Daisy the Feral Princess and Tomato the Brave because they spent the night inside out of the rain. I let Abner the Eager in to eat, and he took his usual snooze afterward. Sam the Scamp and Harry the Hairy have an interesting dynamic. They are friends most of the time, and it’s obvious to me that Harry is the boss of the two. Today, Harry, who had spent the night on our deck, was territorial about eating even though I put down two plates of food at a distance. Harry wanted Sam’s food, too, and stalked Sam until Sam stopped being nervous, and they sniffed each other’s noses. I have seen them do that many times. I’m not sure what that means, but it hasn’t resulted in any arguments so far as I can tell.
Even though Harry the Hairy gets skittish toward me, he also is very friendly now. He gave me a happy meow and when I was scratching his head, he marked my hand for the first time. Harry keeps trying to get in, which isn’t going to happen. Anyway, I came back inside, and Sleepy Suzy started smelling my hand with an unusual chattering. She didn’t like the smell of Harry on my hand.