Mend quickly my brother. ?It's been too cold to sit on the balcony and smoke, so I've only been smoking on the go lately. Today it was several bowls of Watch City Stubb's Pipe out of a Peterson System Deluxe 20s. Got called to deal with an "emergency" at work and took a pretty gnarly tumble on some ice, so I may have to sit around and smoke the rest of the day.
Don’t rush me, dammit!! Ha ha, they’re coming….I like the custom tamper! Wood burned by hand?
She’s a beauty!?WCC Old Dominion in a Vauen bent apple while i get to know my new little girlfriend.View attachment 126768
Man's best little smoking buddies!WCC Old Dominion in a Vauen bent apple while i get to know my new little girlfriend.View attachment 126768
That Miele 611 KS is high on my PAD list!Half-bowl of Warped King's Stride (sample) in my Savinelli Miele 611 KS Bent Dublin. Small cup of coffee with's a hell of a pairing. I should definitely get a couple cans of this blend. Bird report: Common raven, Northern flicker, California towhee, California scrub-jay, Steller's jay, and an unseen woodpecker, either a Downy, Hairy or Nuttall's. Lovely day for a smoke, but according to the new system here, I'm apparently a "lifer," so why spend extra time outside when I could be on here? ?