Just had my first bowl of 2019 Kings Stride. Was unimpressed until the bottom third of the bowl. Then, what was a somewhat boring Cavendish flavor started to become something somewhat akin to Maduro leaf on the retro... cream, chocolate, and spice increased with each puff once the cigar Cavendish appeared to me. This little detour from the first two thirds escalated to a very unique final few puffs... pinot noir, nuts, and chocolate arose for an unexpectedly triumphant sendoff. I'm going to be ordering more of this. Next bowl I have, I am going to go slower in the first two thirds. I was definitely going to fast trying to pull some cigar flavor out at first. I recommend this to anyone who likes mellow VA/Pers and likes, but doesn't love cigars.
Furthermore, if I can't pull the cigar flavors out of this blend earlier into my next few bowls, I'm going to add a dash more perique and a little cube cut burley and see if I can't at least make the first half of the bowl more of an event. I felt the black pepper from the perique faded too quickly, though a similar flavor returned with the appearance of the cigar notes.