I've finished my home-rolled little cigars project. Didn't spend much more time on it, because a trend had established itself
. KEEP IT SIMPLE. Complex tobaccos and Latakia just don't make it as do plain codjers and mono flavoured aromatics. The five best tasting home-rolls, confirmed by several of my smoking buddies, are, in order of my preference but this varied with my friends, are:
1. Sir Walter Raleigh pipe tobacco
2. Captain Black Cherry tobacco
3. Borkum Riff Dark
4. Backwoods Buttered Rum
5. Smoker's Pride Classic Blend
A few others were okay, but once in a while as the spirit leads. Plain and simple works best, just as in regular cigars. As a final comment, my
Skragg tailings worked out surprisingly well, so if you decided to invest 50 bucks in one of these machines, load up your tailings! and smoke them. You might be surprised. Me and my buddies were! And as a bonus, you'll get a collection of tailings from the cigar making process as a by-product of the manufacture. Just collect them and use them. They'll be fine! No need for me to try more, as the predictable trend of simplicity in tobacco had established itself.
I had a bit of fun with the last tobacco I tried, Backwoods Buttered Rum. Took the photo and did up a graphic to end the project and the forum members' misery at my posting them.
Have a most Blessed Christmas, one and all. Disappearing for a couple of days, eh?