Behind in everything, but had some company last night that supplied the tobacco and got to try two I'd never tried before, and used my matched pair of McQueen Russets for the experience. Top is in cherrywood, and had my first taste of a tobacco I'd always wanted to try, Seattle Pipe Club's Plum Pudding. After this, I filled the ash woodstem with Peterson's Sherlock Holmes.
Verdict? Plum Pudding is a real holiday tobacco and I enjoyed every puff. I might spurge for a tin of this for next Christmas. A very luxerious treat indeed.
Sherlock Holmes? Certainly a nice tobacco, but I have too many similar tobaccos in my stash to add to the collection. However, if someone were to offer me a bag, I wouldn't say no!
Still trying to get the recipes done and posted, but . . . . oy vey. But y'all know what this time of year is like!