I used to smoke Esoterica Margate in this pipe, but the bee-like stem has me thinking I’m going to change things up and use it for blends with honey. Going to have Cornell & Diehl Small Batch Sun Bear Tupelo (10,205/20,000) in a Chacom Maya Bent Dublin 266.
I tried to find my Pee-Wee Herman talking doll and post a pic as a background for
@PipeIT but it wasn’t where I thought it might be (my talking Freddy Krueger was there). In its stead, I’m sharing a coloured pencil caricature I did during my junior/senior year independent study college portfolio class (1984/1985) at the School of Visual Arts:
After I wrote the above text, I took one more look and found the talking Pee-wee Herman from 1987. Here's looking at you
@PipeIT !
“I know you are, but what am I?”