This was my first good pipesmoking session in nearly a month, an attempt was made a few weeks ago but sitting down in the barn in July only amounts to practicing warfare with the plague of Mosquitos, not really "Pipesmoking".
Tonight was finally cool enough to put the bugs asleep.
The Lorenzo Titano was smoked in late July out of a jar labelled "Mostly Crooner" (I assume the rest was blending tailings), I would have enjoyed the light marshmallow Deertongue flavor except that my puffs of smoke were acting as artillery in a life and death campaign against the Insect Horde.
Sadly my bowl of Frog Morton Cellar in Blakemar Bulldog (just re-drilled to a 5mm bore before loading) had to sit for over a week before smoking it, so by tonight it definitely was dry, but the base components are still high quality enough to hold a mildly sweet English flavor now that I finally got around to it.
After the bowl of FMC I smoked my two Vauen Chruchwardens (both stems bored out to 1/8" to the button), one with a 66% blend of C&D Byzantium and 33% Sutliff 515 RC-1 Red Virginia, the other with a mix of about 40% GH Kendal Gold (Shag) filled out with various English and Latakia blends to imitate EMP.
Byzantium mixed with Red VA is a nicely sweetened medium english.
It seems my batch of Kendal Gold has finally sat long enough to sweeten up and is losing some of its bite, and again this confirms I still MUCH prefer smoking Shag based blends for their ability to avoid relights.