Just finishing this bowl of Sutliff PS Breckinridge in my old reliable 1986 smooth Peterson Kildare 999 Rhodesian. Next will be Penzance in a 2002 Ser Jacopo Delecta Fatta A Mano R1 sandblast Rhodesian with a smooth extension at the shank.
Peretti D-9507 in a Curtz poker. This pipe is the one that Bradley sent me as a gift and it is a dandy. The Peretti is an exceptionally pleasant smoke with a slightly sweet fruity scent, very mellow.
A few minutes away from smoking Peretti’s B-94 in a 1982 black grain relief sandblasted three quarter bend W.O. Larsen Dublinish pipe. Starting to run low on this blend now.
Sablebrush's description of Peretti D-9507 sounds good.