I had a Paddington in Eltang Basic and Janemann in Peterson Junior
Happy 10th Anniversary, may you celebrate many more.This month marks a decade since I picked up a pipe in earnest. I've revisited a few of my originally acquired pipes, to help savor my good fortune and am smoking an estate billiard now, that I got in a group of 5 pipes for about $12.00 maybe $10? something typically cheap on my part, and its only marks are PIPE DREAMS on the side of the shank. It's smooth, well drilled and has no stinger. I cleaned up the long neglected stem with a piece of scotchbrite and some Barkeeper's Friend and loaded it with some Sutliff Victorian.
Of the five pipes, 4 are still smokeable. One, a Swiss Dry Air with two tubes in the shank, gave up the ghost after having become a favorite. The shank blew up. Another, lost its stem to a stem bending binge, because I was stupid, but I've frankensteined it with another stem and I smoke it. It's a crude looking 4 panel with a square shaft that is Algerian briar.
I think: "I could have stopped after that buy and a bag 'o seconds from MM", but then I think, look at all the fun you'd have missed chasing beat up old pipes on ebay!
And the award for quickest coloring Meer goes to….you!View attachment 304822Trying to do my best @BenMN impression with the close up…
Pegasus in a Tekin meerschaum.
That is a beautiful pipeC&D Bayou Morning in a RadiceView attachment 304883
Wow, that pipe is quite a looker.Trying hard to wake up with some coffee and Nyala plus perique in a Paul Becker
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