My smokes for the rest of the day today have been:
- Super Value Bourbon Whiskey in a Missouri Meerschaum Country Gentleman
- Mac Baren HH Pure Virginia in a Rattray's Blower's Daughter
- Mac Baren Golden Extra in a Morgan Bones Milan
Tonight was my first time trying Golden Extra and it's pretty good! A mostly smooth and lightly nutty burley blend that's apparently considered an old timey codger blend over in Denmark. I've heard tell that there is a light chocolate topping on it, though if there is I sure can't pick it out. The burleys do have the same slightly astringent quality I found in Mac Baren's HH Burley Flake that vaguely reminds me of rotting grapefruit and made me not care for it, though that may just be a "me thing" since I've never heard of anyone else finding Mac Baren's burleys to be astringent tasting. Maybe I'm just more of a Cornell & Diehl guy when it comes to burley blends!