Excellent tobaccoSmoking Peter Stokkebye’s Luxury Twist Flake in my glossi Rossi 8626!View attachment 305123
@JimK The Clay King enjoyed his clay pipe of Elizabethan Mixture in memory of Queen Elizabeth II at Nottingham Pipe Show 2022!Good day all! Starting with Peterson Elizabethan Mixture in an Upshall P Dublin with beveled rim and pencil shank with tapered stem.
My first time smoking a straight Virginia. I really like it! In fact, it’s also my first flake. I wasn’t too sure if I rubbed it out right, but I haven’t had to relight much at all, so I must have done something right.Excellent tobaccoOne of my favourites.
@PiperCalvinist I think it would suit the King's Clay! I was smoking Peterson Connoisseur's Choice with the Redcoats at the living history festival this weekend: Avoncroft Museum - International Living History Festival 2024 - https://www.flickr.com/photos/147641922@N02/albums/72177720316355463/Smoking Peter Stokkebye’s Luxury Twist Flake in my glossi Rossi 8626!View attachment 305123