Going to channel my best
@JimInks impression....
Just had a lovely chicken avocado caesar salad lunch (homemade dressing too), and capped it off with a full bowl of Sutliff Voodoo Queen (sample courtesy of
@Streeper541 thanks mate!). I really like this one right off the bat. The burley/perique/VA triumvirate reminds me a little bit of another favorite, Warped Kings Stride, but with the addition of the lat, a very interesting and complex flavor pattern. Paired with a small cup of Ethiopian Yirgacheffe coffee. Ugh, who am I kidding...no one can imitate Jim adequately! Like Donny in
The Big Lebowski, I'm out of my element...
Alright, back to being me again. Bird report: Common raven, California scrub-jay, Steller's jay, California towhee, House finch, White-breasted nuthatch, Northern flicker (red-shafted, of course), Dark-eyed junco, and Band-tailed pigeon. These pigeons take the hugest dumps I've ever seen, usually right on my deck railing.