The Cimette Brissago come from Switzerland (Brissago a town in the Canton of Ticino). They are cigar stubs rolled and left to dry, mainly composed of Kentucky and a smaller quantity of Virginia, very tasty. Imagine the tip of a Tuscan with the length of an inch, you have to crumble them to use them in a pipe.Cimette Brissago?
I take it that's one of Italy's own Kentucky blends? We never hear much about Italian pipe tobacco, being a fan of Toscano cigars I imagine the pipe tobacco would be pretty good.
We talked about it here
***What Are You Smoking, January 2022?*** :: Pipe Tobacco Discussion
2019 Nightcap in this big bulbous thing. A great estate.
***What Are You Smoking, November 2021?*** :: Pipe Tobacco Discussion -
***What Are You Smoking, January 2022?*** :: Pipe Tobacco Discussion
Now that's mighty "purdy". :) Thank you.