I just received my misdelivered package of Drucquer & Sons Loch Ness today, so I've opened 1x of the tins and will smoke my 1st bowl in an Old German Clay
Half way through this bowl of year 2012 Rolando’s Own in a smooth straight early ‘60s Lane era “William Conrad” Charatan Executive Extra Large stretch apple with diagonal channel cuts on the lower right and left of the bowl along with a black vulcanite double comfort saddle stem. This should get me to dinner time.
Relaxing after a wonderful salad, barramundi and sugar snap peas dinner with strawberries for dessert. I'm a third of the way through this bowl of unreleased Sutliff Black Virginia flake in a late 80's, early 90s James Upshall P DS Tilshead England Made By Hand L185 Canadian with a silver band and a tapered black vulcanite stem. The Dodgers and the Reds game starts just after the top of the hour.