Lane Unlimited Dark Red cherry with a French roast coffee.
Awesome! I actually have a jar of 2009 Louisiana Flake opened as well presently, and I agree, it is an amazing smoke!Smoking some Exquisite 11 year old GH&Co Louisiana Flake in a Dunhill 613 Billiard and I've feeling all hoiti toiti. Oh yeah. It's so good, I'm better than everyone else on this page of this thread right now! That's the stuff! I might just buy a Mercedes and wash my hands with Dom Perignon in front of the commoners today just to show them I'm better than them today. Where can I hire a butler?
Not sure if I'm just extra sensitive to it, but to me DFK (especially Mac Baren's) seems just as quick to possess a pipe as a Lakeland, albeit much easier to exorcise. Nobody ever talks about that but you can't mention the L word without it's haunting properties being brought up?Enjoyed a tasty chicken and salad lunch, and am a quarter of the way through this bowl of year 2001 VaPer Three Nuns in a 1980s White Pipe straight lattice apple meerschaum with an acrylic yellow cream colored saddle stem. Got the DFK out of the meer, and learned my lesson that repeated smoking of that varietal can ghost a meer. Ice water and bergs is my drink.