A Newbie Question-I alwas have a bit of dottle in the bottom of my pipes. Some of it looks brown and still smokable. Is it OK to add fresh on top, or do you guys just throw it away? Thanks.
Most of us throw it away, I suppose.
I do not see a problem with you trying it and seeing how it goes, it certainly won't cause damage not to you, nor to your pipe.
If there is too much dottle, smoking drier tobacco might help.
Dump the dottle into a screen. Shake out all the ash. Dump it in a jar.
When you get a pound of it, press it into a stinky, black cake.
Sell it online for an obscene price. Give it a fearful name, like "Satan's Substrate".
You're welcome! :mrgreen:
I have succumbed to the "I'll just put some fresh on top" and keep smoking trap. It was not an experience to repeat due to the burnt taste. Dump the few cents of dottle and reload fresh.
Personally I don't bother and just dump it. That being said, give it a try! May work for you. Everyone has their own way and I honestly doubt any two pipers on this forum have the exact same smoking habits. I could see myself trying it if I wanted to extend the smoke a little longer but didn't necessarily have time for a whole new bowl. I've just never had the urge.
I like jaytex's answer best. But for me, sometimes the bowl goes out a few times, and I think it's done. But then I go get ready to dump it, and still see Brown leaves. I've tried many tines to finish the left overs, and some times it works, but most of the time it isn't with it.
You could always save them in the corner of your ash tray ala Sherlock Holmes and make them your first pipe of the day! It worked for him and I suppose with deeper thought this type of activity would be exactly what a Falcon Pipe was designed to handle. :rofl: