I'm lucky where I live. I met my neighbours up and down the block around 2014-15 when there were a couple of annual block parties. (They haven't happened since.) I was smoking a 2004 Puros Indios from Honduras at a bonfire in my neighbour's front yard the night of the block party. I didn't know any of them very well at that time. [I bought a box of cigars in Honduras, and one in Nicaragua, when I was in Central America working on a ship in '04-'05. Anyway, the Indios held up amazingly well and I've got 2 sticks left from that box still. Killer cigars to begin with. They became spicier over time. Kind of peppery from their original grassiness. Go figure. By the way, I agree with
@Searock Fan about Punch/Hoyo De Monterey big time. Good cigars come from Honduras. I've smoked a lot of Cubans too but there's something about the flavour of Hondurans...They seem a little sweeter/grassier. I don't know. In Roatán I bought fresh hand-rolled green cigars from kids selling them by the port, three for a dollar. They were yummy but only burned for about 12 minutes...]
So I ask the neighbours at this bonfire if they mind if I smoke a cigar and one of them (the one who's yard we're sitting in) says, "No it's fine. I smoke a pipe myself", though he didn't smoke it that night for whatever reason. Two years later that offhand remark crept to my consciousness and I'm like, "Hey! I should get a pipe!" (((...and 150 pounds of tobacco!

Then Covid hit and the pandemic brought my family closer together with the neighbours because we were all stuck at home and started seeing each other more often and talking. Now we've got a network of friends up and down the block and I'm lucky to have a pipe smoking neighbour who I hang out with when ever we have a free evening.
As for being ignored by your neighbours, that's how it used to be in my neighbourhood, and I was the one avoiding talking to people. Some people are shy. Some people are misanthropes. One of my students told me once, "Well...you're a misanthrope." I didn't think I was that bad. I looked it up. "A person who dislikes humankind, and avoids human society." Yeah...a little. Does that make me an asshole?