I bought this tin a month and a half ago and have been saving it for closer to Christmas. I decided to break it open today. I was really looking forward to smoking this Christmas offering from C&D.
When I opened it and took a smell, I was greeted with a wonderful bread pudding like sweetness; it smelled like a lite aromatic. I’ve never smoked anything with Katarini Turkish leaf. To the eye, the Blend looks like the red and bright Virginians are the majority with a smaller percentage of black Cavendish and Turkish proportionally.
Overall, I was a little underwhelmed. The first half of the bowl had some fleeting cinnamon and subtle Vanilla, Cavendish like flavor notes. But, honestly, not as much of an aromatic as I was expecting. The Virginia tobacco carries the flavor profile. I’m guessing the subtle spice I pick up is the Turkish leaf? I really focused on smoking this slow, sipping along the way searching for more of the subtle flavors. The last half of the bowl was characterized by a smooth tobacco flavor with earthy, sometimes tangy spice.
The cut of the tobacco and moisture out of the tin was good. This tobacco smokes cool and clean all the way to the bottom.
The good news is my wife said the room note was “nice”. As she was walking out the door to go shopping, she said I might let you smoke that in the house, it doesn’t smell like “bad monkeys” ?
A comment she has coined, to describe anything resembling an English or even English aromatic blend she catches a wiff of if I am transitioning from the house on the way outside to smoke.
That being said, I think I will try jazzing this up a little with a pinch more Cavendish and maybe Izmir and a Skosh of Latakia?. Of course, that will probably qualify for “bad monkey aromas“ ?and result in me retreating to the garage or greenhouse for a smoke.
With a major cold front headed for Idaho over Christmas , I will enjoy smoking this in the house through the holidays.?
I’d be interested to hear others opinion on this blend.
When I opened it and took a smell, I was greeted with a wonderful bread pudding like sweetness; it smelled like a lite aromatic. I’ve never smoked anything with Katarini Turkish leaf. To the eye, the Blend looks like the red and bright Virginians are the majority with a smaller percentage of black Cavendish and Turkish proportionally.
Overall, I was a little underwhelmed. The first half of the bowl had some fleeting cinnamon and subtle Vanilla, Cavendish like flavor notes. But, honestly, not as much of an aromatic as I was expecting. The Virginia tobacco carries the flavor profile. I’m guessing the subtle spice I pick up is the Turkish leaf? I really focused on smoking this slow, sipping along the way searching for more of the subtle flavors. The last half of the bowl was characterized by a smooth tobacco flavor with earthy, sometimes tangy spice.
The cut of the tobacco and moisture out of the tin was good. This tobacco smokes cool and clean all the way to the bottom.
The good news is my wife said the room note was “nice”. As she was walking out the door to go shopping, she said I might let you smoke that in the house, it doesn’t smell like “bad monkeys” ?
A comment she has coined, to describe anything resembling an English or even English aromatic blend she catches a wiff of if I am transitioning from the house on the way outside to smoke.
That being said, I think I will try jazzing this up a little with a pinch more Cavendish and maybe Izmir and a Skosh of Latakia?. Of course, that will probably qualify for “bad monkey aromas“ ?and result in me retreating to the garage or greenhouse for a smoke.
With a major cold front headed for Idaho over Christmas , I will enjoy smoking this in the house through the holidays.?
I’d be interested to hear others opinion on this blend.