@That Guy The pipe lounge at The Briary is a little different. Some days you can set and smoke in peace and quiet. Then some days you set down and a young guy might start asking a billion questions. Then some days, the whole room is full of boisterous guys all holding court and solving the world's problems. It's hit or miss.
I do find that when I see another pipesmoker outside the mall, and I decide to smoke while Mrs Cosmic shops, it's nice to just set and smoke without talking. I try to respect the solitude of the smoker, as I would appreciate my own solitude respected. Pipes need to be kept clenched for me to fully enjoy smoking. So, I usually don't appreciate a ton of question and answers. I will listen, but don't expect me to talk a whole bunch. If I want to talk, I'll select a cigar. Those are way more social for me. I can smoke those and talk all day.