As an astronomy buff, and general science nerd, I thought this video, which NASA just released, was really cool!
Nice video but whose to say that this is actually footage from mars and just isn't on some remote desertIt's absolutely wild to me that we can stream video from there before we feel confident that we can land a craft there.
While I agree with the general impressiveness of the whole process in general, the velocity when it actually touches down is only 1.7 MPH. It slows down quite a bit during the rocket powered descent and skycrane maneuver.It's all amazing, so I focus my amazement on one or two features. They brake the flight from something incredible, like 1600 miles an hour, but the vehicle lowered by its rocket powered sky crane still hits the surface at about 200 miles an hour without landing in a crumpled heap. Then, all of the delicate instrumentation operates just fine at eighty below zero. Try that with a Toyota. Those are just the simplest stunts, the base line. Then they're going to dig up rock samples to be retrieved years later by a second robotic returnable vehicle. If you love gadgets, this all drives you nuts, or me I mean.
The answer, Jay, is about 3 hours and 22 minutes after your post, assuming the poster is genuine and not being sarcastic.How long before some bonehead comes along telling us this was all set up on a stage somewhere in Hollywood ?
This may be true, but I also think that reading the daily news might disabuse people of this idea. To quote Monty Python "pray that there's intelligent life somewhere up in space. 'Cause it's bugger all down here on Earth."With all of these space and Mars posts, people are gonna start thinking we be sorta smart of sumthin".
That's the footage I'm most excited about seeing as well. Cool stuff!Absolutely crazy. To see video of it takes it to another level. All that data blasting through space back to earth just seems like pure magic. I'm excited to see what the drone on board has to show us in the next few months! First powered flight on another planet. Wild.
Stage 15 on the Paramount lot. It has the highest ceiling so we're able to do a believable facsimile of a real Martian landing via suspension from the perms using a miniature covered with dyed diatomaceous earth and carefully placed ridders. Looks pretty good, don't it??How long before some bonehead comes along telling us this was all set up on a stage somewhere in Hollywood ?
This just in: Jesse Silver has been shot and killed by government agents.Stage 15 on the Paramount lot. It has the highest ceiling so we're able to do a believable facsimile of a real Martian landing via suspension from the perms using a miniature covered with dyed diatomaceous earth and carefully placed ridders. Looks pretty good, don't it??
Stage 15 on the Paramount lot. It has the highest ceiling so we're able to do a believable facsimile of a real Martian landing via suspension from the perms using a miniature covered with dyed diatomaceous earth and carefully placed ridders. Looks pretty good, don't it??
Hollywood would slaughter anything for a price.No way, man. DME would kill all the resident insects and Hollywood will take no part in animal slaughter.