That much is crystal ball necessary! This makes stocking up all the more urgent. Who wants to just sit around and wait for the hammer to come down, right?
I keep saying demand and visibility are the most critical threats. What government wants to give up tax revenue? They know what cigarettes do and how much they harm people and what the larger social costs are (people being sick and people dying at younger ages costs a lot of money.).
Also despite how it looks governments try not to piss off too many people (not a fixed number) but it's much easier to ignore the screams of a smaller group of people. Ever wonder why cigars get all the wonderful exemptions? And why does a larger group have more of a voice(?) they bring in more cash!(!). And as long as demands high enough the loopholes will be found, the networks, and work arounds.
What I am saying is we need to get the children ready to smoke pipes when they're of age. That's why the most important pipe tobacco in the world are the candy aromatics!
Sorry I just got a bit silly near the end didn't I?