If only the FDA were the only enemy to tobacco. There seems to be a new story pop up each week (or multiple new stories) of wins by the anti smoking Nazis. For most people and vendors, prices have increased by the % of your State Sales Tax in the past year if you purchase through online retailers. I can't remember the last positive story for the future of tobacco use.
I hate being a Negative Nellie but I also refuse to bury my head in the sand and simply hope for a positive outcome when I don't see much potential for that. Like any other important thing I consider, I plan for the worst and hope for the best. I probably own more tobacco now than I'll ever be able to smoke. Unless some miraculous Fountain of Youth potion that is invented in the next 40 years, by the end of this year, I plan to have enough tobacco to last me to 90 years of age. After that, I plan to purchase small amounts monthly to replace what I smoke as long as tobacco remains readily available at a reasonable price. I'm even giving thought to renting a small, secure, climate controlled area to store part of my cellar to offset the risk of theft, fire or some other catastrophe.
No, I am not paranoid, I simply enjoy smoking a pipe a lot and don't wish to allow some busy body do gooding Aholes to dictate what is best for me.