I have been a collector of vintage fly reels and tackle for over 40 years and have attended shows (National Fishing Lure Collectors Club, Old Reel Collectors Club, Florida Antique Tackle Collectors Club) and auctions throughout the US. In the process I‘ve made many lifelong friends. It’s given me incredible relaxation.
Yes, a quick glance at my vintage tackle collection may look like hoarding, but it’s been a great outlet from my professional life. I look at my pipe and tobacco collection much the same way, and at least I can smoke those. I wouldn’t think about fishing with one of my 150 year old split bamboo Orvis fly rods. I love attending the Chicago and Columbus Pipe shows and meeting other pipe enthusiasts and hope to make it to Las Vegas. Trust me, pipe and tobacco hoarding is a lot cheaper than the vintage autos, bourbons, wines, etc. my buddies seem so addicted to collecting. And, yes, the Sutliff/Mac Baren/STG situation will cause a lot of TAD, But hey, it’s your money. You earned it and shouldn’t apologize for spending it the way you want…unless you‘re the SOB who snagged that last tin of HH I had in my cart..