I have been occupied with e-cigarettes due to recent developments in my job. Most scientific studies claim, that the vapor from these devices is less harmful, than tobacco smoke, and contains less carcinogenic substances. Of course there are no studies about long time exposure.
A few facts:
- The liquid used in these devices is the same, as in fog machines, Propyleneglykol and/or Vegetable Glycerin which is said to be harmless for inhalation. Well, they said the same about asbestos in the 60s.
- While small devices produce a vapor amount, which is less, than the smoke from a cigarette, I have seen folks use devices, big as cups, which produce an enormous amount of vapor, which is dragged directly into the lungs. Less dangerous, than tobacco smoke?
- The main e-cig industry worldwide has it's seat in Shenzhen, China. While there are small companies in the US and Europe, which produce e-cgs and liquids, more than 90% comes from there. I am not sure, anybody is caring about product safety there.
- In Europe, the market for liquids is completely unregulated. Anybody could buy the raw materials at a chemical plant and mix it in his kitchen to become the next liquid king. Fortunately governments worldwide are in the process of stopping this.
- The batteries to drive these devices are unprotected industry LiIon cells. If not handled with proper knowledge, they can explode, which they already did in some cases, which lead to injuries comparable to a grenade explosion. No regulation on this part, either.
I have no doubt, that the e-cig is apossible way to stop smoking cigartettes, but if it is really a better way is not yet determined in my opinion.