Unknown Danger of e-Cigarettes

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Feb 13, 2013
Winnipeg, Canada
Electric cigarettes. Perhaps electrocution?

Just one of many stories of them exploding, also many people have had them explode in their mouths causing major damage.

https://www.google.ca/?gws_rd=ssl#q=e+cigarette+explodes+in+mouth Check out how many stories there are.



Feb 9, 2014
Andy... if they *aren't*... someone will make them so.
I can't remember the source, mind you, but there was this study done years ago that concluded the no. 1 cause of death was... living.



Staff member
Sep 4, 2015
Baku, Azerbaijan
Human beings used to eat everything raw until they found a burned animal in a forest fire. Then they decided to cook meat before eating it. It was tasty and keeping them warm. Throughout millions of years we lived like that. We cooked our meat, drank water from lakes and rivers, we traveled on our feet or something alive. We did everything by ourselves. We even smoked tobacco using a wooden piece. We had this life style for millions of years. That is why rare or medium rare steak tastes better, that is why tobacco in a pipe or a cigar tastes better, that is why doctors always say "walk people walk, just get out and walk please". People were dying in their 20s or 30s back then, and then we started to improve our immunity. In recent 200 years everything has changed, we invented cars, planes, trains we started filtering our water almost to a level of dead water and then added some chemicals to it to make it healthier, and we created cigarettes. All of those are very new to human nature. We will need maybe thousands of years to gain immunity against them. And now there is e-cigarettes/vapers (not Va/Per :) ).
Few months ago I read an article (it was in gizmodo I guess) about Vapers and the author was writing about the cons of real tobacco products and praising Vapers. I was so determined that I was thinking about quitting smoking and taking up that Vaper thing. Then I did some more researches and found some articles related to e-cigarette/Vaper smoking. Apparently long term Vaping may cause your lungs to become like sponges compared to those black lungs caused by cigarette smoking. And I don't really want to smoke some kind of chemical even if it is %95 safe according to Public Health England. According to the list, pipe smokers are on the 3rd place. We have a phrase over here which says "it is better living like a lion and eating meat for 30 years than living like a crow for 300 years and eating garbage (in medieval times it was thought that crows had a long lifespan)". Nothing will beat lunting after eating a rare cooked steak with a beer ( which was invented at least 11.000 years ago).



Feb 13, 2013
Winnipeg, Canada



Part of the Furniture Now
Oct 21, 2015
Chicago, IL
I overheard a friend explaining e-cigs/vapes to another friend, and he said "it used a food additive that's been widely used since the 50s." Or something like that. He shared as a means of comforting, but to me anything about food additives is a major red flag (blame it on me being a millennial). It all just seems so weird... coils and electronics just seem so out of place with smoking, like science fiction. I'll stick to the old world elements.



Staff member
Sep 4, 2015
Baku, Azerbaijan
I overheard a friend explaining e-cigs/vapes to another friend, and he said "it used a food additive that's been widely used since the 50s
Your friend was right about the additive, it is vegetable glycerin they use to vaporize with an atomizer (yet another cool sounding word for teenagers to trigger e-cigarette smoking). However your friend missed a point, which is, an edible thing may be really harmful when smoked.



Part of the Furniture Now
Apr 9, 2014
I used e-cigs to quit smoking. Worked great. After about a year and a half I quit the e-cigs. Mission accomplished. I began to feel better right away when I started using an e-cig and continued to feel better afterward. I'm living proof e-cigs can get you off the sticks and the idea that e-cig vapor is somehow just as bad as cigarette smoke, or worse, is ludicrous. Do teenagers like e-cigs? Maybe so but if they do they are still much better off than if they were smoking cigs. We're all so sick of the coercive nanny state in regard to our chosen method of tobacco enjoyment that it's rather hypocritical to set ourselves up as worry-warts about some other method of nicotine intake.



Staff member
Sep 4, 2015
Baku, Azerbaijan
We're all so sick of the coercive nanny state in regard to our chosen method of tobacco enjoyment that it's rather hypocritical to set ourselves up as worry-warts about some other method of nicotine intake.
Well, we just don't like smoking something to our lungs let's say.



Starting to Get Obsessed
Dec 30, 2011
'Unknown'is probably an appropriate phrase. Lots of misinformation and disinformation out there, but the bottom line is the whole category is too new for there to have been any long-term studies. The most objective person talking about the category (and tobacco as a whole) that I have run into is a guy named Michael Seigel, a Professor in the Department of Community Health Sciences, Boston University School of Public Health (link to his blog below).
We've done a little consumer research into the category, and a couple of interesting tidbits:

- 95% of e-cig/vapers smoked cigarettes prior to entering the category

- Only 64% had reported smoking in the past six months

- Those that were still smoking reported reducing cigarette consumption by 2+ packs per week



Starting to Get Obsessed
May 24, 2013
I have been occupied with e-cigarettes due to recent developments in my job. Most scientific studies claim, that the vapor from these devices is less harmful, than tobacco smoke, and contains less carcinogenic substances. Of course there are no studies about long time exposure.
A few facts:

- The liquid used in these devices is the same, as in fog machines, Propyleneglykol and/or Vegetable Glycerin which is said to be harmless for inhalation. Well, they said the same about asbestos in the 60s. ;)

- While small devices produce a vapor amount, which is less, than the smoke from a cigarette, I have seen folks use devices, big as cups, which produce an enormous amount of vapor, which is dragged directly into the lungs. Less dangerous, than tobacco smoke?

- The main e-cig industry worldwide has it's seat in Shenzhen, China. While there are small companies in the US and Europe, which produce e-cgs and liquids, more than 90% comes from there. I am not sure, anybody is caring about product safety there.

- In Europe, the market for liquids is completely unregulated. Anybody could buy the raw materials at a chemical plant and mix it in his kitchen to become the next liquid king. Fortunately governments worldwide are in the process of stopping this.

- The batteries to drive these devices are unprotected industry LiIon cells. If not handled with proper knowledge, they can explode, which they already did in some cases, which lead to injuries comparable to a grenade explosion. No regulation on this part, either.
I have no doubt, that the e-cig is apossible way to stop smoking cigartettes, but if it is really a better way is not yet determined in my opinion.



Feb 13, 2013
Winnipeg, Canada
I used e-cigs to quit smoking. Worked great. After about a year and a half I quit the e-cigs. Mission accomplished. I began to feel better right away when I started using an e-cig and continued to feel better afterward. I'm living proof e-cigs can get you off the sticks and the idea that e-cig vapor is somehow just as bad as cigarette smoke, or worse, is ludicrous. Do teenagers like e-cigs? Maybe so but if they do they are still much better off than if they were smoking cigs. We're all so sick of the coercive nanny state in regard to our chosen method of tobacco enjoyment that it's rather hypocritical to set ourselves up as worry-warts about some other method of nicotine intake.
Hey I stopped smoking cigarettes cold turkey, began feeling better right away, so I'm living proof that you can easily quit smoking cigarettes or any form of tobacco and it's completely mind over matter. I then started enjoying pipes and cigars about 5 years after and still don't smoke cigarettes. The idea that e-cig vapor is harmless is what most people I think are concerned about, because those are the "facts" being presented at the moment by proponents of e-cigs. Anything food grade doesn't mean it's harmless to smoke, if I were to smoke cheerios, they are food grade, but I doubt it would be harmless.



Feb 13, 2013
Winnipeg, Canada
- In Europe, the market for liquids is completely unregulated. Anybody could buy the raw materials at a chemical plant and mix it in his kitchen to become the next liquid king. Fortunately governments worldwide are in the process of stopping this.

This is the same case as in Canada, many people are already making e-juice and selling it.

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