University Flake

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Oct 16, 2020
I was getting "tangy" as my impression and now reading some reviews on TR I see @JimInks adds a "citrus" note (along with a lot of other things I'm not sorting out so much, but interesting to see how others describe it) and I'd say for me, I'm getting more of that and a definite Virginia which is really nice and not noticing the rest so much. So no plum or blueberry for me, and not really getting the burley as much, but I enjoyed the 1/2 bowl I had time for this morning a lot, but that's as far I as got. I left it to dry overnight so my "fold and stuff" attempt vs. usual cube cut was more "fold, watch it break, drop in bowl" and worked fine once I got it going.


Mar 30, 2019
In the semi-rural NorthEastern USA
I was getting "tangy" as my impression and now reading some reviews on TR I see @JimInks adds a "citrus" note (along with a lot of other things I'm not sorting out so much, but interesting to see how others describe it) and I'd say for me, I'm getting more of that and a definite Virginia which is really nice and not noticing the rest so much. So no plum or blueberry for me, and not really getting the burley as much, but I enjoyed the 1/2 bowl I had time for this morning a lot, but that's as far I as got. I left it to dry overnight so my "fold and stuff" attempt vs. usual cube cut was more "fold, watch it break, drop in bowl" and worked fine once I got it going.
I feel like the flavor of this blend really showcases the concept with flakes of the so called marrying the flavors. The only flavor that stands out to me on it's own instead of as a unified whole would be the Indian leaf which has a touch of Sandalwood that should be familiar to anyone who has tried a lot of unscented Indian snuffs and also a buttery quality (which is a very Indian leaf thing). And those don't even stand out for any other reason then how rarely I get those notes in pipe tobacco.


Jan 31, 2011
Good timing for this thread...I hadn't smoked UF in a few years, but just opened a several year old tin a couple of days ago.

This was one of the very first blends I tried upon taking up pipe smoking and was a favorite for a long time. I'm really enjoying it again now after being away from it for a while.

I concur with those who get a plum note (or perhaps blueberry at times)...slightly more than subtle, but doesn't obscure the tobacco. Decent nic strength. I rub the flakes out...and definitely dry it before smoking. Does benefit from a little aging.


Apr 1, 2014
Colorado Rockies, Cripple Creek region
We best keep quiet - or it'll be a hoarded blend and become a chased unicorn.

The stuff sucks. Tastes like crap. The tins aren't sealed. The tins are rusty. They are getting cheap and not using enough "sauce." It's green tobacco. It bites bad. It doesn't burn. Too many relights. Flakes suck. It should be ribbon cut. I think it's moldy plume sugar rotten crystals. Or something. It's overpriced. It's overrated.

I find Captain Black much better.

That Guy

Part of the Furniture Now
Aug 8, 2021
Central Florida
I'm normally not one for toppings or flavors (except for Lakeland sauce) but University Flake is delicious. Perfect "breakfast blend" for me. Reminds me of blueberry flavored frosted mini wheats cereal. Currently smoking some from 2019. Picked up some more with the P&C sale recently. Like mentioned before with a little age and proper drying time this blend really shines!