Occasionally what looks looks 1/3 of a thimble hollowed out inside. Most often, a few blackened strands left. And sometimes just fine ash. Varies based upon tobacco, dryness, pipe geometry and me.
No, no, no! Leaving unsmoked tobacco should not be a practice nor a goal. (Nor should smoking to a fine white ash be a goal.)This is a good strategy for burning out the bottom of the bowl and/or the edges of the draft hole. It's also the reason why so many manufacturers and carvers use bowl coatings. There is no set rule for how much leaf you should leave unsmoked. Just make sure you leave some and try not to set any briar on fire.
didn't even think about that. But same here. I often find the falcon will just stop and it took a few times to realize just dump it there is nothing left to smoke.My Falcon turns any blend to ash with little effort. Can’t say the same for my briars, cobs and meers.