I can not seem to keep my pipe lit without it getting extremely hot! I have tried a couple different packing techniques but I can't seem to figure it out. Any thoughts?
That is a major bummer man. I love VA. I will smoke them even if they burn the crap out of me. For me, the pain is worth the taste. The trick is, of course, to figure out how to smoke a particular blend, be it VA or what ever. That is why, I'm never bored with the pipe, even if I literally get burned from time to time.I gave up on trying to smoke Virginias.I just can't get the hang of it.
Although I agree with all the advice given above, I have to wonder about all the fuss I've read over many months concerning re-lights with Va blends. Is it the nuisance factor, or some sort of apparent smoking-technique inadequacy implied? To some extent, it is simply "what-is". I look at it as a requisite series of short smokes from a single bowl. Additionally, I have never encountered a single pipeist nor non-smoker snickering about my repeated tamps/re-lights. So, someone tell me why this seems to be an issue?