Trick or Treating: How Old Is Too Old?

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Staff member
May 12, 2015
Carmel Valley, CA
A bunch of friends, my wife and I trick-or-treated in our twenties. Difference was little to no costume, and we presented glasses to be filled with adult beverages. Was great fun for a few years.
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Part of the Furniture Now
Jul 6, 2023
Maryland, United States
High school-ish is where I draw the line. Unless the one kids are in cost costume and with their younger siblings. Or they're in costume. Or Mrs. Rookie is just feeling generous. Mrs. Rookie usually hands out candy while I usually take the younguns around.


Part of the Furniture Now
May 8, 2018
So many age cut offs!

If you’re in a good costume, you can have a treat!

I should add that I did not engage with this ideology except as a treat-giver. So don’t think I’m still hounding anyone for candy with wisps of Old Dark Fired emanating slipping around my gorilla mask!
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Part of the Furniture Now
Apr 17, 2023
Somerset Ohio
I don't have an age limit. Older teenagers (or heck, full adults) who have chosen to dress up and walk around the neighborhood in search of candy could be doing much worse things with their time!
^^^ 100%

We don’t get trick or treating here as we live in the middle of the country and most of our visitors clam they heard banjos playing while driving here.


Part of the Furniture Now
Jan 20, 2022
West Wales
Nobody calls here, and I wouldn't answer the door anyway.
My kids have never done it.

I remember when I was young, my father was doing something outside, when one of the kids in the village came down the road.

"Trick or treat Geraint?"

"Bugger off"


He saw the funny side though.

Green Hill Hermit

Can't Leave
Feb 1, 2023
^^^ 100%

We don’t get trick or treating here as we live in the middle of the country and most of our visitors clam they heard banjos playing while driving here.
In my part of the mountains they have something called trunk or treat for little ones, much safer than door to door. Anyone out knocking doors at night here is in danger of returning their energy back to the universe. 💯💥☠️
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That reminds me, I have to set up the motion activated "snarling dogs" recording.

K.E. Powell

Part of the Furniture Now
Aug 20, 2022
West Virginia
I love trick or treat and all things Halloween, and I wouldn't begrudge them to anyone, regardless of their age. If I have candy to give, and you're willing to go door to door in costume for my amusement, then have a Snickers.
Most adults or older teens that are trick or treating are usually in tow with smaller children anyway. Very rarely I see someone that is evenly vaguely an adult asking for candy in earnest. (I have seen, on occasion, adults asking for beer and the like, and I think next year I'll see about helping to accommodate that need.) It's just cheap bulk candy anyway. Let people have some fun.

The only thing I don't truck with is when adults are ruining the experience for the kids and everyone else by acting like assmunches. I don't tolerate pushing and bullying or reckless driving. And be polite, for chrissakes.
By about 12 years old, I realized that wearing a costume just was not for me. I think some people have fun hiding behind a mask to become more uninhibited, but for me... in a costume, I am still just me, but uncomfortably so.

We just turn off all the lights outside, and if that doesn't dissuade trick or treaters, then my gigantic dogs attacking the door when they come across the yard does. 80 and 100 pound dogs with mouths that can swallow a whole kid's head usually does the trick... or treat.
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