Traditional Countryman from Ireland ...

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Starting to Get Obsessed
Oct 23, 2022
Atlanta, Georgia, USA, Earth
Welcome from Atlanta in the Southeastern US!

I have been to Limerick twice on business. The final time I visited what may be the only remaining pipe-related shop in the town. Cahill & Sons, if memory serves. Pleasant shop with friendly staff and patrons!!


May 6, 2011
Olathe, Kansas
My mother's people came from Ireland, but I don't know where. Her mother was born here and married an Irishman. So, I'm half-Irish. My dad came from a good neighborhood. Welcome from KC!!
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Nov 5, 2022
Having perused your site, I find it curious that you have such disdain for change and modernity, yet charge forward into the interwebs, knowing full well the dismay and anger it will bring you.

And then there is this little gem:
“The obscenity of Corporate Greed – known as “Copyright Infringement” – now demands a fee for what used to be freely shared”

As a sole proprietor who earns his living in part by the long-standing protections afforded by international copyright law, I implore you to broaden your horizons and read up on the subject. Copyright law exists to protect authors, artists and other IP creators from theft. It allows them to reap the financial benefits of the fruit of their labor, a basic human right. Copyright law is not new. It predates the internet, television, radio and Kim Kardashian. There is no free lunch.

I suspect that you may change your tune if someone was to take your fine photographs and offer them for sale, or use them to sell toothpaste or to get a politician elected. What if your self portrait became a popular internet meme, like that stupid grouchy cat?

There are undoubtedly good reasons that you chose to isolate yourself from the world. It is something that many of us fantasize about, but few follow through on. Perhaps you need the occasional reminder that you made the right decision?
"Charge Forward" ... ?
"Read up on the subject"?
"Change your tune" ???

I do not know who you think you are, or what type of infant you imagine me to be - so I shall attempt, this one time, to enlighten you: I began a career as a working photographer in 1977: Nikon F2A and Leica M3, going from there to being a photographer in the Royal Navy: Hasselblad, I told a Correspondence Officer what I wanted, and I got it ... So, explaining copyright, sale of work et al. to me is quite unnecessary. It may even be that I was successfully "in the business" long before you (?). As to "broaden[ing] my horizons ... It is precisely because my horizons were broadened, that I left it all.

One used to be able to share "mixed tapes" - TDK, Maxell etc all made tapes for this purpose. It was no secret. "Free Lunch"? Word of mouth- in the '60's and '70'ss was how artists' names 'got around'. There was no Internet - it was all word of mouth: listen to this, like it, and buy the album. ANY music that I bought, I bought because someone had loanded an album, or made a mixed tape which piqued my interest. We shared freely and corproate millionaires knew that we shared ... music ... books ... images ... All things for which money is now demanded. If you cannot see that an iron grip of control has descended upon humanity, I cannot help you. Your phraseology "little gem" has connotations of smirking contempt which, I am sure, I am mis-reading.

I did NOT "isolate" myself from the world ... the "world" did not want to have me around them. More than a few told me that they knew I was right, and I 'pricked [their][ conscience'. It was either smart-asses trying to belittle me because I did not wallow with them in superficiality, or depravity ... or people who knew that they could be making better decisions in life, and my example (I was frequently told) made them feel guilty. Either way, I did Not isolate myself from anyone. I have never had a friend with whom I could have telephoned and asked to go out for an evening. I did not go to pubs, 'clubs' or TV sets, and because of it, people did not want me around.

As to my "charg[ing]" forward" ... I was on the Internet in from 2008 until 2010. I left. I have not bothered with Internet socialising in 12 years. Twelve Years of minding my own business. I approached this, in 2022, with great Trepidation, as should be evident from my explanatory approach in the description of my 'page' (or whatever it is called) on this forum. Hardly 'charging'.

I do not use people to make myself 'feel better' nor to bolster my ego about feeling 'better' - whether about a decision or anything else. I came here thinking that, perhaps, this was a place that might consist of mature people who would welcome a mature man. I am a quiet, peaceful man who is trying to be friendly to others.
If someone does not like me here, I should prefeer that they leave me in peace.

If I have been mistaken in even arriving at this Internet Forum, I would appreciate it if others could inform me of the fact, and direct me as to how I would go about Closing my account. I came here extending a hand of friendship. If I have presumed too much, I shall be quite content to leave.

If anyone else wishes to understand anything that I have written in the past, kindly approach me courteously and ask with respect, rather than ignorant presumption. I am a very approachable fellow. Thank you. PL
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Nov 5, 2022
My mother's people came from Ireland, but I don't know where. Her mother was born here and married an Irishman. So, I'm half-Irish. My dad came from a good neighborhood. Welcome from KC!!
Hello KC ... how very nice to make your acquaintance here. Thank you for the greeting. PL
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Nov 5, 2022
We live, my wife and I and the dogs, in a home overrun with books. I like leather soled shoes, wear a wristwatch or a pocket watch, keep a handkerchief in my pocket, write with a Montblanc occasionally, and listen mostly to classical music, but I lack the courage to be as consistent as you.
I spent a few summers in Fermanagh in my childhood to better know my relatives. I grew up in New York the son of an American GI and a WAAF from Northern Ireland.
Our beloved neighbors had a small farm and we wee types would observe bringing in the hay the old way. They were Walter and Addie Livingston!
I’m enjoying your blog. Thank you for joining us!
A little trouble today, with one "reply" ... Hopefully, that will not repeat itself. "Overrun with books" - paradise !!! Well ... I began with lecturing on Dress and Deportment, and the clothing that I wore was expected from me ... but once the 1990's arrived, every last semblance of decency - in dress and deportment - vanished, so it was quite easy (for me) to know that I was not going to join the masses in the downward plunge. Of course, that was the end of my career. People stopped caring and were content to look and act like slobs; and while dressing out of respect for others decreased, arrogance and ego increased - people no longer had to "work at" anything - they expected "respect" just because they inhaled oxygen. Lowering myself into the cesspool was never a consideration. Then, of course, it makes me the odd one out, as I "don't fit in".

You appreciate quality, and recognise it, and that certainly counts for something. The items you mention were a part of my childhood, and I would not surrender that standard to "fit in" with what I have been seeing around me for the past 30 years. Very pleased indeed, to 'meet' someone who appreciates those same things. Thank you for your welcome words. Very sincerely, PL
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Nov 5, 2022
Thank you, Mr. Livingstone, for making your blog available to us. Your words are a nice recall to the days when civility was the norm. In these days when people can hide behind the Internet to spew hatred and misinformation, voices such as yours are a pleasure to read.
Hello My Friend, Thank you for your words today. Sadly, I have just now finished a reply to someone who seems to be intent upon throwing his (inconsiderable) weight around. I hope that my reply will help him to go away and leave me alone. Still having that bitter taste in my mouth, I appreciate, very much, finding your sentiment. Thank You for it. I actually paused to see if I could find how one would close ones 'account' (?) and just leave here ... I find it a very difficult thing to be civil when such obscene levels of vulgarity and domineering arrogance abound in the world, in levels that they have for the past 30 years especially. I truly appreciate your taking the time to send this greeting to me. Thank You very much. Yours with kind regards, PL
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Nov 5, 2022
Hello & welcome from a pipe smoking simpleton.
I too, have a deep dislike for all the newfangled computers, social media platforms & the like.
As a pipe smoker though, it has been the ‘key to the door’ opening up a hitherto unbeknown world of wonders. In this forum you’ll find fantastic threads detailing historical aspects of the pipe & tobacco industry. I’ve discovered & smoked tobacco’s from all around the globe, learnt about fixing & restoring pipes for myself & made a few friends along the way.
Hopefully you’ll stick around & find it as enriching as I & many others have. That is, of course if you’re here to talk about pipes & tobacco. If you’re here for other reasons, then perhaps you won’t. Lol
Cannot imagine what the "other reasons" might be. I arrived here under the impression that there might be mature pipe folk here who would fancy the occasional chat. Thank you for the welcome. Regards, PL


Oct 25, 2013
New Zealand
Hello Livingstone, welcome from New Zealand. I live in Winnipeg off and on, my wife is Canadian. I enjoy the northern hemisphere contrast.

People will react with their own opinions here, it is a bit like real life in that sense...if you do stick around you may find it is often the diversity that makes this forum a good one, rather than just the commonalities.



Nov 5, 2022
Wow, saved your first tin, that's amazing.
It was the fact that it was from my home of Northern Ireland, and I have the personal history (mentioned in "The Erinmore Pineapple" at my Int Site) ... everything before that was 'custom' tobacco that came from a Jar and was deposited into a little white bag, and handed over the counter. This was the first tin, and it was one from a place I walked past regularly. A nice thing to have - seeing it always takes me back to walking to Elmgrove Primary School in Belfast, in the 1960's. Regards, PL


Nov 5, 2022
Hello Livingstone, welcome from New Zealand. I live in Winnipeg off and on, my wife is Canadian. I enjoy the northern hemisphere contrast.

People will react with their own opinions here, it is a bit like real life in that sense...if you do stick around you may find it is often the diversity that makes this forum a good one, rather than just the commonalities.

Own Opinions are just fine ... arrogant and degrading personal presumption is not. I spent my working life as a lecturer, helping people to dress and conduct themselves like professionals - Many times, I would be (respectfully) challenged as to why a man should buy a Silk Tie, and not polyester; or from many a woman in the audience who wanted to know why her nylons should be three shades darker than her skin tone ...

A person's character is revealed in the way they communicate: their morals and intelligence; whether they are a domineering narcissist ... or someone who is asking a genuine question. Diversity is wonderful ... it is the manner in which that diversity is delivered. An thug reacts. A gentleman or a lady thinks before speaking. I seek the latter.

We have just received the first fall of snow here (currently in British Columbia) ... northern regions in winter has begun! Many thanks for taking the time to send a welcome. I appreciate it very much. All the best to you for now, PL


Nov 5, 2022
Welcome from Atlanta in the Southeastern US!

I have been to Limerick twice on business. The final time I visited what may be the only remaining pipe-related shop in the town. Cahill & Sons, if memory serves. Pleasant shop with friendly staff and patrons!!
Hello Mr Edwards, Cahill's is indeed a lovely Old World shop. Thank you for the welcome. Very glad that you had a chance to see Ireland. All the best, PL