Hello Buffalo! Thank you very much for the greeting. PLGreetings and welcome from central Nebraska!
Hello Buffalo! Thank you very much for the greeting. PLGreetings and welcome from central Nebraska!
Hello Co. Cork! Nice to hear from you. The very best to you this day! Regards, PLA warm welcome from Co Cork Ireland.
Thank You my friend ... I have placed a video on my Internet site (have mentioned it to Tom) for you Good Folks ... hope you will make your way over to it - a minute long, but a word from me to you. As mentioned to someone else, Diverse Opinions are of no (negative) concern to me: a self-elevating narcissist belittling or degrading me by outrageous presumption is not something I will ignore. The blasphemy and degrading insult I replied to with unusual self control; will not do so again, however. Raised in Military Police State and experience of vicious punks thereafter has left me far too old, now, to continue to tolerate abuse from malignant humanity. Hope that you will find the video. Thank you once again for your thoughts here. Kind Regards, Philip Livingstone@Livingstone! I have found that all online forums encourage contrarianism. After having my feathers ruffled a few times, I've found that, on many occasions, I learned from them.
Lord knows I am on your side re: standards of proprietary, and standards of decorum, but nearly all of the members here respond with good intentions.
All the best,
P.S. please stay! We need your thoughtful contributions.
Thank you for the welcome ... have been studying the little Happy Face Holmes - well done! PLWelcome![]()
Kind Sir, I just wished to thank you for this morning for my discovery of your website. A PLAIN LIFE Travelled Upon OLD PATHS Without Television or Technology. - https://asolitaryjourney.org/ What an enjoyable read with this morning's bowl Stokkelye English Oriental. I found your words refreshing in today's world for sure. I must admit I have only ventured a short distance into your blog. In so doing I get a sense of a gentlemen's insights into the world. Which I fully welcome. Again I wanted to thank you and welcome you here and look forward to your input on the various subjects here. I also look forward to reading through your blog as time permits me. The books next to my armchair are many and never-ending. Keep the faith there are still folks who both read (real) books and blogs.
Thank you, Mr. Livingstone, for making the video which you posted to your wonderful site.Hello there ... I am very much in the mindset of your quote: "Might stick around" ... whatever happens in the next few days for me, I have 'posted' a video on YouTube for you (and others who have been congenial) --- the link is on my Internet Site ... and I would be pleased if you could manage to spend a minute with it, as I had very much appreciated your welcoming words. All the best for now, PL Monday, 3:30pm (7th Nov)
The irony is thick indeed, well said sir and spot on.Welcome from Edinburgh Scotland. Pity they don’t make tins like that anymore, thanks for the pic upLoad. Please do upload more. I yearn for a time when I did not spend 70 percent of my life in a virtual world( it’s my work) so honestly you have not missed much with new technology.
People used to play computer games to escape reality….now people go to green fields and forests to escape the reality of internet, a beautiful irony in there .
Welcome to the forum, lovely folk here.![]()
of all the things one might be able to say about you. Being a gentleman is clearly at least one of those things. Which of the many things a person should strive to be, that's certainly one of them.Quite the revelation. Thank you for your insightful comment.