Blades', if it were big enough to pedal, I might take a turn around the living room, tight turns permitting. However, it is a table top model, so I have to content myself with plowing around the salt cellar and table ware, with its excellent steering. It's offset steering column allows me to make sure I keep it off the furrow (the print on the tablecloth). We do have a "pedal" horse on the front porch, but that old tin nag is too fragile to ride, so we just let him watch the passing traffic. My wife grew up on a cattle farm in Northeast Missouri, so we have a pie safe in the foyer and often have Grandma Girtha's fried potatoes with a meal. When in Missouri on a more recent trip, we took apples to Hawk, a "free" horse her cousin was given, old fella blind in one eye. My wife got too close when he was lifting his head and got kind of a boxer's cut, just being grazed by that big neck, no malice or aggression involved, just a big strong horse. Farm girl that she is, we went to the local drugstore to doctor it, and they were patient and helpful. That's the local ER, as it were. I thought I went out bravely with a bucket of grain to feed the cows and that ton of Angus bull, but apparently my body language was trepidatious and the family was amused -- the boy is humongous, but calm, and uh, sticks to his business producing calves.