As several others have mentioned, the B&M shops are your best bet, unless you want to chain yourself to an internet browser. What seems to happen is that the word gets out that a drop is coming and folks start refreshing web pages over and over and over until Penzance or what have you is listed. It’s gone inside of two minutes. And, in the case of smokingpipes, you have to checkout immediately, or it won’t be available, even though it’s in your cart.
My experience locally is that there really aren’t that many pipe smokers. I was pretty shocked that last Saturday, I was smoking with a few buddies and a couple of them mentioned that they had stopped at another shop that had received a large drop about a week (or maybe even two weeks) earlier. One of them bought their last tin of Penzance. I was in that shop the day they got their shipment and saw the entire inventory. I think they got a maximum of six tins of Penzance. They also got probably tens bags each of Penzance and Stonehaven. I bought a bag and a tin of each, Brighton, some Germain’s Special Latakia Flake, 1820, and a tin of Bridge. At my home shop, which is primarily a cigar store, they also got in their largest shipment ever, including probably 5 bags each of Penzance and Stonehaven. More than a week later, the Stonehaven and Penzance and Margate and Tilbury are gone, but there’s some of all the others left.
It seems as though production levels have ramped up.