Alex64:Thank you for your input in this, in this regard this EU/U.S comparition may be true, but there still one good thing within the U.S that smokers could benefit from,Tobacco regulations vary by the States and prices as well,so I'm coming to realize citizens and visitors of this country are having more possibilities /varieties when it comes to smoking supplies
so to say,State crosing trips and a wide array of on-line retailers where you can choose whatever you may please,whereas within the Eu we are lately come to so called real socialism where all tobacco related stuff is harmonized, socialized,prices are on ubearable high level especially up in north scandinavian countries,Yet on-line bordercrossing transactions got banned within all EU memberstates(excluding those of between individuals)lately I'm coming to realize all what I see here within the europen union coutries are regulations,harmonisation,+high taxes,(aforementioned stands for the use of personal motor vehicle as well)and in all probability this all is getting even worse by coming years,unless people gets more bright and do star revolting,so my real hope is that the U.S are not goin in the same idiotic direction as we lately did here,enough is enough.