1st Class and Ground Advantage shipping isn’t expensive to ship here… LOL 

If you find something you don't like, don't throw it away, date it and throw it in a jar. Tastes change over time. In several months you may love the stuff.
YES.OH! So you're saying buy MORE? ;D
2 recommendations. Smoke 4 bowls per day, it will double your rate of consumption and enjoyment, Then throw everything away except the Virginia Flake blends you bought. If you ever reach the Pinnacle of pipe smoking, that's where you'll end up. Might as well get there sooner than later.
Another method I use is to place a layer of Saran Wrap on the opened tobacco, re-insert the cardboard circles, screw the lid to the original tin back on tightly, and trim away the extra plastic wrap. I also use mason jars. Cellar wide, not necessarily deep, because a blend you don’t like today may really be something you enjoy a year from now as your tastes change (Latakia and Perique blends come to mind— in the pipe world, a VaPer is a Virginia/Perique combo).Is it enough to just screw the mason jar lid on real tight, or do I actually need to vacuum seal the jar?
Using my heat gun to remove the labels from the tin is a great idea. Thanks.You sound like me in the beginning. I learned not to judge to quickly. Any new blend I buy, I smoke a bowl, jar the rest and come back to it every 6 months to see how it ages and how my tastes change. I should have bought stock in Ball. I have upwards of 500 jars of tobacco I rotate through. I use a heat gun to warm the original label and transfer it from the tin to my jar and date it. Take notes.
Agree 100% Thats what i do as i try stuff! Small jars for sample batches and large jars for when i order bulk once i find stuff i like!Mason jars are your friend! A small price to pay for reliable storage. Bowls per tin varies greatly.