Tobaccos With A Nic Hit?

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Might Stick Around
Jul 25, 2024
The best nic hit I’ve found by far is with whole leaf tobaccos: Kentucky burley, red tips, dark air cured, especially. And I’m saying this as a regular smoker of c&d “power burleys,” five brothers, and dark Birds Eye.
Agreed. Compared to the tinned tobaccos I have tried, I get a solid yet smooth hit from my whole leaf blends I've been trying. My most recent blend has about 10% rustica, 15% burley, and it tastes and feels amazing.
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Can't Leave
Mar 16, 2024
Shuswap, British Columbia
Just had my first bowl of Peterson’s Irish Flake. Even though it was after a big meal, the nic hit is following me around 10 min after finishing 😵‍💫
I remember the first time I had Irish Flake! Sounds familiar.

I remember the time Matches860 talked about when he first discovered it and quickly proceeded to smoke three bowls because it was so smooth. By the end of that he was dry heaving on his knees….. he smoked Haunted Bookshop all day, too. 😆 That is some good tobacco.


Starting to Get Obsessed
Jun 21, 2024
South Bend, Indiana
Try War Horse Bar or War Horse Green, and Ten Russians. Both are mighty tasty!
I’m shocked it took so long to see Ten Russians mentioned. I haven’t yet had it (my tin is waiting for me at home at the end of this road trip), but I read a review by Miyanovich on TR that sent me to order the tin immediately, to wit:

“Yesterday, I was feeling my oats. I bought a tin of Nightwatch and a tin of Ten Russians. I went to my favorite place in the world, hiked the woods and fields a bit, and smoked a full chamber of Nightwatch. As I was about to head for the car, I got a notion to call a friend. As the conversation was sure to go long, I decided to, against the advice of some reviews here, pack that huge chamber with Ten Russians, after a full dose of Nightwatch. I love latakia, and smoking that bowl of Ten Russians was amazing. I kept saying to myself, "what are these bozos talking about? The Vitamin N isn't that strong. Hell, I could probably finish this bowl, and then another."

“I continued under that delusion until I hit the last 10% of the bowl. This is when the truth was revealed to me about Ten Russians. Have you ever been so out-of-wack, that you felt as if your pants had fallen off, even though you still had them on? Because, if you know that feeling, then you know what it felt like to me.

“My body temp went from 98.6 F to about 100,000 degrees Kelvin. I could barely finish my phone conversation. Every muscle in my body got weak. I began to yawn incessantly. As I drove home, I had to keep my head perfectly still and my torso at a perfect 90 degrees. You see, I was gripped by the fear that I was going to projectile vomit so hard that my windshield was going to get shot out, like in a Starsky and Hutch episode...except from the inside of the vehicle. The drive home is still a complete mystery to my memory banks.

“When I got home,I couldn't even gather all of my goods from the truck. I just left my sh*t in the cab. I walked in the house, grabbed a cold rag, laid on the couch, put the rag on my head, and passed out.

“I woke up an hour later, refreshed and okay because the Vitamin N overdose had processed. I had to eat a large bowl of organic noodles, and a bagel to reach true homeostasis.

“I give Ten Russians 9.8 out of 10 stars. It's powerful, unassuming, great Latakia taste, and if you step out of line with it, it will pummel your a$s with the power of ten extremely burley Russian men. I'm better for it. Can't wait to smoke a bowl of it when I don't act like an a-hole with the amount. I'm not giving it a 10 star rating because my nuts still hurt, and I am sure that I will never sire another child while I am on this planet.”
- source:


Might Stick Around
Jul 25, 2024
I don't think I've ever quite felt the way some of you have

Sure, I've been hit by the nic, but it just sooths the moment a bit and relaxes the muscles. I've maybe come close to feeling naeseous a couple of times as I get older, but it's pretty rare.


Jul 11, 2014
North Central Florida
I have one of Daughters and Ryan's old blends and it is one of the strongest I've smoked. I haven't yet tried Rustica.
D&R Picayune.
I haven't bought any in a long time and the blend has likely changed, but C&D Big 'n Burley is another one that hits that note, only it sneaks up on you where Picayune is in your face.


Dec 5, 2016
My favorite tobacco genre is burley, in particular dark fired kentucky. Love the taste and smell. Many find it strong in nicotine too. But that’s not my primary reason for smoking it; it’s the delicious taste. So for me, while i happen to prefer various burley varieties that are considered high in nicotine, that’s just a secondary consequence. I’ve found even really high nicotine content in say cotton boll twist or an indonesian twist etc. can be mitigated by smoking a smaller bowl and, especially, not doing so on an empty stomach. If one wishes just the nicotine hit for its own sake — taste becomes inconsequential — then i’d suggest chewing or cigarettes.

hope this helps 😀


Can't Leave
Jul 18, 2023
Western NY
Rustica and Dark Fired Kentucky come to mind.
I have a dip in 15 hours a day, I am immune to nicotine hits. :)
Im smoking some St Bruno right now, its said to have a nice nic kick.