Tobaccos: Where to next?

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Nov 17, 2011
Dir Sirs and Ladies,
(Post-pre-note, sorry for the length of the post.)
I am a newbie here, and I seek guidance. I have been smoking a pipe for a little while, picking it up again after some years away from tobacco. In the time since I have taken to it again, I have been fortunate enough to receive a little guidance in the matters of good tobaccos. The pleasures and nuances of the smoke are not alien to me at all, however, the immense options for next choice tobaccos to try appear as a grand abyss, the center of which is found a black hole asking only to be blindly fed my dollars.
I have taken well to a few tobaccos, and I will attempt to describe what it is I like about them, so I might receive the best feed back. I have tried a few genuine aros, and really seek no other exploration there. I enjoy Mac Baren's Navy Flake for its mild spice, strength, mild sweetness, and the general purity of its experience. I enjoy Pete's University Flake for the same reasons, though it is a less sweet, and it is gamesome toy for me in its overall nicotine strength--not one to reach for every day, but when the mood hits, it scratches a certain kind of itch. Both of these satisfy something of the child in me that is reminded of sneaking a sniff of chewing tobacco.
I have tried MB's Vanilla Flake, which will remain a go to. It is delicious and easy in every way imaginable. Other light (semi-aros ???) of this sort, I would love to have recommendations on what other dryer, light aros (flakes too) to try. I tried Firedance Flake, and it was too wet and did not impart that true tobacco flavor I found Mac Baren merges so well with topping in Vanilla Flake.
I have also tried Penzance, Dunhill 965 and Pete's Old Dublin. I very much enjoy Penzance and have cellared quite a bit (some years worth). And while my expectations for 965 and OD were high, their tin note and over all smell were overbearing. I could not stand to be in the room with an open tin of either (even parting from them, I had difficulty escaping their phantom), though the smoke they gave, flavor, etc..., though potent, were pleasant enough. I will not be looking for more of these two for that sole (however superficial) aesthetic experience of tin note.
Here, I find myself between a rock and a hard place as my inexperience shows through. I want to try other baccos, but worry about such an experience. So far I have singled out a few I think I might like to try, adhering to the understanding I have from the above experiences. They are Pirate Kake, Frog Morton Blends, Three Oaks Syrian, Tree Blend, Gold Bar, Pirate Kake, Lancer Slices, Black House, Squadron Leader, St. Ives, Solani Black & White... to name a few.
I know it seems I've just listed off what I "want to try," but I worry I may have the same subjectively bad experience as I had with 965, Ol' Dublin and Firedance; thus, I seek guidance.
Any suggestions, I would love to have. I am looking to fill out my smoking experience, not replicate by seeking similar baccos. MB Van Flake is Mb Van Flake, and Penzance is Penzance.
I am looking for opinions based on what I have described above. If you think something might have a tin note like Ol' Dub or 965, or an irksome wetness with little reward for effort such as Firedance, I'd be happy to hear.
Let opinion rain down. I know my experience is subjective. I'm looking for doctor's orders based on the opinion-based appearance of my situation.



Part of the Furniture Now
Oct 7, 2011
I feel your is all in what you expect in a tobacco and that leads to tobacco reciews..which is a crock..I have tried tobacco that was "supposed to be the best aro in the market" left a room note of cigrette smoke...I hate cigrette one can guide you on tobaccos exept yourself..I think the most of tobacco sells these dayos is on the amount of adverstisment on a blend. good luck! you will have to try many blends to find the ones that you like. it is a racket just like electronics these days....every day there seems to be a new blend which is better than the last...just like every day there is a commercial that once you to believe that there is a better and newer tootbrush...just saying!!! :roll:



Nov 19, 2009
Chicago, IL
Well, first of all, let me welcome you to the forums. Nice post. Curiously, for all the many blends I've ever tried, none are among those referred to in your post! So no help forthcoming from me there; but check out the "Tobacco Categories" in the left hand column of the homepage at Luxury Tobacco Some folks have found it a helpful organizing tool.



Nov 17, 2011
I do hope I get at least some thoughts on this. I ask for opinions here. I suppose I could be asking for too much. I seek no assurances, just thoughts. What is it in ol dub and 965 that cause that aroma, how to avoid it before buying, which of my potential baccos might have this same aroma. Thoughts on quality Flakes like mb vanilla flake, but that aren't the same or don't try to mimic it.



Mar 9, 2010
I enjoy Mac Baren's Navy Flake for its mild spice, strength, mild sweetness, and the general purity of its experience
Me too, I just recently discovered it. I can't stand Old Dublin either but that is probably because I don't like the taste of latakia. If you don't like Old Dublin then definitely stay away from Squadron Leader.
I hear Dunhill's Early Morning Pipe has a very very small amount of latakia so I would like to try this one.



May 4, 2011
The pleasures and nuances of the smoke are not alien to me at all, however, the immense options for next choice tobaccos to try appear as a grand abyss, the center of which is found a black hole asking only to be blindly fed my dollars.
As Alice Cooper once sang..."Welcome to my nightmare. I think you're gonna like it. I think you're gonna feel like you belong..."
H&H Black House=Badass Balkan

H&H Magnum Opus=an Oriental Meisterwerk

3 Oaks Syrian=Wife Repellant, but oh-so good. Like eating a very old Camembert and looking for someone to breathe on so you can knock them over

Dunhill EMP=English Mainstay with a Crouching Tiger/Hidden Nic Kick
I started on Aros, only to discover English (Latakia Blends, more accurately) are my bread and butter, ensconced in old leather, up to my knees in a peat bog and breathing the fungal smell of a rain-soaked cypress grove.



Part of the Furniture Now
Oct 30, 2011
United Kingdom
When I started looking for the blends that suited me best, I made a note of which tobaccos are in each blend. Trying a few blends with different combination of the basic tobacco types helped me work out what I did and didn't like. Of course, our tastes change over time and I now enjoy English blends even though I originally didn't like Latakia at all.
I'm afraid the only one of the blends on your "to try" list is Squadron Leader. Personally I love it and it often in my smoke rotation. Also from Samuel Gawith, I love Grousemoor which is a subtle aromatic. But, as others have said, everyone has different tastes and the only sure way to find what you like is to experiment. I always try to add a tin of a new blend when I place my monthly tobacco order.
Have fun and good luck in your search for the perfect smoke :)



Sep 14, 2011
What is it in ol dub and 965 that cause that aroma
Both Old Dublin and 965 have, IIRC, unflavored cavendish, along with other tobaccos. That may be what is troubling you, not the latakia, since you like Penzance. Squadron Leader, according to the tin description, does not have cavendish.
I would respectively disagree with the poster who said
tobacco reciews..which is a crock
Tobacco reviews are all subjective - they express the opinion of the reviewer. You may or may not agree with their opinion. To use reviews, you have to find a reviewer whose tastes coincide with yours.
Enjoy the journey!



Jun 16, 2011
Tobacco reviews are all subjective - they express the opinion of the reviewer. You may or may not agree with their opinion. To use reviews, you have to find a reviewer whose tastes coincide with yours.
Amen to that! I always look for what the reviewer mentions as his regular blends in a review to see if it's too far outside what he is used to smoking and likes, that way, your not reading a review that is comparing apples to oranges. If a reviewer starts his review by stating I don't normally smoke aromatics... and then gives an aro a bad review, I wouldn't use it to make a tobacco purchasing decision.

Jun 26, 2011
Pacific Northwest USA
Hullo goldtooth!

I can't really add anything that hasn't already been mentioned. Welcome to the forum and rev up your credit card!

Trying the different blends, keeping notes of the constituent tobaccos and using the advanced search function on tobaccoreviews will take you far on your journey.
Anything you try and simply can't tolerate can always be traded with someone here so go forth and smoke what strikes your fancy!



Nov 14, 2009
Flowery Branch, GA
From what you listed in your "like" list - I'd recommend Bill Bailey's Balkan Blend. I have about a pound or two of it, so if you want a sample just send me a PM with your address. It's a smooth, peppery blend that I LOVE with red wine. It's one of my top faves.
I also HATED Firedance flake, so some good aros are Founding Fathers and the 7 Seas line - especially Royal and Black. Good luck and welcome to TAD!

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