Hey guys!
I am a long time reader here and I thought I would start posting a few things, so here goes my first attempt at that :D
What are some tobacco with drink pairing you like?
I'm a realtor and I start and end my day with a pipe and a strong drink while I respond to emails and schedule showings for the next day. I usually have coffee in the morning and something a little more stiff at night. I have three vices in my life, Coffee, Tobacco, and tea. Here are some of my go to's
-P.S Bullseye flake with a very acidic coffee like Starbuck's Guatemala Antigua + Cream (no sugar)
-P.S Navy Flake with a deep earthly coffee like Starbuck's Anniversary blend or Yukon blend + cream and sugar
-Frog Morton across the pond with cheap bitey wiskey like Old Grand Dad + a small splash of grape juice
-Peterson's University Flake with orange juice and maybe a little rum at night
*my personal favorite*
C and D's Briar Fox, aged and home flavored with a mixture of Rum, Maple, and honey with a tall glass of said rum and ice
I am a long time reader here and I thought I would start posting a few things, so here goes my first attempt at that :D
What are some tobacco with drink pairing you like?
I'm a realtor and I start and end my day with a pipe and a strong drink while I respond to emails and schedule showings for the next day. I usually have coffee in the morning and something a little more stiff at night. I have three vices in my life, Coffee, Tobacco, and tea. Here are some of my go to's
-P.S Bullseye flake with a very acidic coffee like Starbuck's Guatemala Antigua + Cream (no sugar)
-P.S Navy Flake with a deep earthly coffee like Starbuck's Anniversary blend or Yukon blend + cream and sugar
-Frog Morton across the pond with cheap bitey wiskey like Old Grand Dad + a small splash of grape juice
-Peterson's University Flake with orange juice and maybe a little rum at night
*my personal favorite*
C and D's Briar Fox, aged and home flavored with a mixture of Rum, Maple, and honey with a tall glass of said rum and ice