Yes, a wax seal was how my grandmother used jars, before the silicon was used. Use bees wax, and heat some out on a hotplate and roll it on with a small roller. I don't know where you'd get the roller now-a-days, but really the idea is to just melt the wax on the plate, roll it up onto a roller and then get an even layer around the inner ring of the jars lid. You want the jar lid to be room temperature, so the wax will stick. There may be more information on it somewhere online.
But, if you don't have an easy supply of glass jars, just buy tins. They come already sealed. Once you open it though, smoke it up. Or, do whatever your heart desires.
But, if you don't have an easy supply of glass jars, just buy tins. They come already sealed. Once you open it though, smoke it up. Or, do whatever your heart desires.