I've used the Tupperware style containers before, for carrying around my rotation. But, it does allow your tobacco to dry. But, whether they are good or not depends a lot on what your intentions are. If you are just going to carry your pouch full around or store it for latter. Or, age it. If aging the tobacco isn't your goal or depending on which blend of tobacco we're talking about, then hen maybe the plastic is best for you. If we're talking about 6 ounces of an aromatic that you just want to stretch out over a few months, then I don't think plastic would be an issue, especially if you are a heavy to moderate smoker. But, if you are looking for the effects of aging on a premium tobacco that you have made an investment in, then you might want to do a little research on permeability of the container.
Heck, even if you want to stash it in a coffee can, then good for you. Just let us know how that works out. Maybe we're wrong. What if just keeping it in a cookie jar is the best way? Someone just has to try it out.
I know a guy who buys pounds of aromatics and keep them in the freezer in zip-locks. He says it works for him. But, his goals and my goals for storage are different.
Just do what you think is best for your situation.
Heck, even if you want to stash it in a coffee can, then good for you. Just let us know how that works out. Maybe we're wrong. What if just keeping it in a cookie jar is the best way? Someone just has to try it out.
I know a guy who buys pounds of aromatics and keep them in the freezer in zip-locks. He says it works for him. But, his goals and my goals for storage are different.
Just do what you think is best for your situation.