Tobacco Snobs

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Dec 19, 2016
Lots of joking and leg pulling but there is some truth to this
I think we can safely divide the forum up into these basic categories:
Peterson haters / defenders. Some people never have an issue, others, every damned one they buy the draft hole comes out the side of the bowl.
Aro trouncers. The aro hasn't been made that isn't waxy, goopy, sticky PG-soaked drivel.
Dunhill Anything Dudes. Generally english advocates that the more obscure the distinction, the more they treasure it. I just got a Dunhill 8328 with the series 2 10° canted bowl, special order extended stem, in the Algerian dead root shell briar harvested 1923 serial number 0009231743A.
Smoking too many different blends at once.
Smoking too few.
Chasing the tiny ember around vs. lighting the whole damn top of the bowl.
Merely warming the pipe with your cupped hands and sniffing the vapors wafting off the bowl vs. puffing like a freight train with an orange red glow seen 15 feet away.
How many posts Cosmic can go before saying 'ha ha' at least once. :puffy:
The Bic Lighters Rules Club vs. I Would Die For A Match bunch.
How to pack / how not to pack.
When to light vs. Whether to light up at all.
Guilt over buying vs. those who buy far more than can be used in ten lifetimes.
Whose wife makes them smoke farthest from the house.
Whether it is time to throw the pipe away yet or if you can fill that hole in the side of the bowl with yet another mud patch.
How to ruin a car by parking at Walmart.
How to ruin a pipe by smoking a Sutliff aro.
How to ruin a marriage by not following the rule 4 lines up. And finally,
Why not to stick your arm into Nate's sea life aquarium saying: HERE FISHY FISHY FISHY! :mrgreen:
I think that fairly well sums up the forum!



The Bard Of Barlings
Jun 15, 2013
Southern Oregon
Are there tobacco snobs? Yes.
Are there tobacco snobs on forums? Is a 400 lb robin fat?
Are there tobacco snobs on the PM forum? Absolutely, but the serious contagion is pretty well quarantined. It used to be more pronounced.
The days when aro smokers would be rounded up, taken to the square in a cart, and then burned at the stake by their more "sophisticated" neighbors is largely over. I always found the negative attitude toward aromatics expressed by a small cadré pretty curiously blindsighted considering that about 90% of pipe tobaccos sold are aromatics.
The kind of snobbery which persists seems to be more of the "all of company X's blends are crap because company X uses inferior leaf" variety of blessed ignorance and stupidity. And fortunately, outbreaks of this particular variant are infrequent and easily discountable.
So most of what happens these days is good natured kidding and ball busting, some of it just what it seems, good natured ribbing and ball busting, and some of it a more acceptable mask for serious snobbery that has gone underground.
And, none of this really matters. While I can't speak for others, I don't care what anyone else thinks about my choices of smoke and I expect that the converse is equally true.
So enjoy your smokes, whatever they are. And just remember, when I kid you about what you're smoking and say I'm just kidding, I'm not. And I hope that the camel turds you're smoking take you off the planet quickly so that I won't have to smell that horrid stuff anymore. Just kidding.



Jan 31, 2011
For those of you who simply cannot refrain from teasing, button-pushing, ribbing, ball-busting, etc, please add the following to your comments in order to avoid unfortunate misunderstandings:



May 6, 2016
West Texas
Most of my posts include carter hall, Dr Grabow pipes, and corn cobs.
..likewise, I love the old and cheap pipes, Dr Grabow and Cob's and the Codger blends and have not been subject to any negative comments. I have however been guilty, like some others, of ganging up on that guy that likes Mixture 79, but in our defense he's a weird dude :rofl:



Part of the Furniture Now
Jul 9, 2016
I've never put down an aro-smoker before, although being associated with one was quite an offense to me.

Quite honestly, you yourself are being an obnoxious snob with your virtue signals and crap like that.



Feb 10, 2017
Cut me a break please:
My rant was not leveled at anyone in particular....this forum seems like a great place to be. I have very little free time to check this and other forums out due to my schedule. Perhaps this is a closer group of pipe friends than many other groups. This was just an "observation", not a condemnation, and I apologize if I offended ANYONE personally, that was not my intention. I am amazed that others do not see what I was trying to say. I was trying to add a subject for discussion.
I think everyone has seen what I was referring to, either in forums, groups, B&M visits, etc., these types can be found. These people can be found anywhere in daily life. Just in responses to my post I see some bizarre reactions and comments. If something inferred as being negative cannot be discussed then what level of discussions can take place?
So excuse me if someone is upset at my post. I am not going anywhere.......



May 12, 2015
Carmel Valley, CA
I don't always smoke Penzance, but when I do, it's in a Barling or Dunhill, and I get a tinge of snobbishness then. But it passes, and I smoke my $15.00 basket pipe with nothing special and I am restored.
Perhaps now would be a good time to read the Etiquette portion of the stickies above. [And stop piling on!]



Aug 30, 2011
To echo a few posters, it's been a long time since I've seen a snobbish post on any forum that hasn't been shot down in flames. The forums have (mostly) grown out of that nonsense. Irritating troll posts about tobacco snobs, however, still pop up from time to time.



Sep 8, 2014
Moody, AL
lol that's great Ash! I need to get a pad made of those to carry around with me.... should I ever go anywhere... which seems unlikely, but one never knows.
I honestly think the issue with Aros and why so many take issue with them is because of what they have done to our atmosphere and the part they've played in global climate change. While some have ceased producing them, they are still used around the world. Kids still inhail these toxins. :)



Feb 15, 2015
That is one the more succinct Butthurt Report Forms out there. I like it.



Starting to Get Obsessed
Jan 4, 2015
Toobfreak, you left out a group that I am a part of and it really upset me. You said the only two groups for fire are bic lighter guys and match whisperers. I'm here to tell you now that the zippo is the only REAL way to light a pipe. The rest of y'all are just doing it wrong and you can't smoke a pipe in the wind :rofl: There, at least one person is a snob about something other than tobacco



Feb 21, 2013
Please spend time reading posts from the present and react and respond to those. I'm sorry things weren't to your liking years ago when you were a member. You didn't contribute anything in the intervening years. Get with the program, as they used to say in the fleet.

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