Tobacco Questions

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Starting to Get Obsessed
Jul 26, 2016
Hello again everyone! Being so new to pipe smoking I had a question about pipe tobacco. My first pouch of tobacco was some Borkum Riff - Burbon Whiskey, got it at the local grocery store. When I took my first trial run of my pipe yesterday I reached into the bag to find the tobacco very dry and brittle. Is this normal or should it have been nice and soft? Basically a freshness problem, because who knows when the last time someone bought pipe tobacco from this little town lol.
Today I picked up a pipe tool, in a place I thought was going to have a more robust selection of tobaccos. Boy was I wrong! They had tobaccos but none of it was labeled by brand, just flavor, so I was a bit disappointed. I had to spend a minimum of 5 bucks to use my debit card so I got the pipe tool and a 2oz bag of the Cherry. It was nice and soft, not crumbly like the Borkum Riff.
Basically what are the texture of dry vs wet tobaccos in general? Also, recommendations for Carter Hall and Prince Albert have been added to my other post. The same store I got the BR from has the Prince Albert but I don't want to bother if what they are selling is not fresh.
Thanks in advance everyone! Really appreciate your feed back.

May 4, 2015
Moisture preferences vary by smoker, by which blend a smoker is smoking, the cut of the blend, which packing method etc. etc.
Toward the far ends of the spectrum, though, some statements are generally true:
If it is brittle and crumbles, it's probably too dry. If it sticks together in a clump when you pick it up, it's probably too wet. Better to err on the side of dry than wet, in my opinion.
I would dump that BR Whiskey in a Tupperware, wet a paper towel and sit it over the top. Let it sit like that for maybe an hour - maybe two. See if it seems a bit moister and then give it a fire. Just until it doesn't dust-ify when you handle it though. That blend is a bitey sumbitch as it is, in my experience, so I wouldn't take it too far.



Oct 15, 2013
The advantage when you buy dry tobacco in bulk is that you get more of it. The last time I bought tobacco at a B/M the guy measuring out the dry tobacco was complaining about that. It's not that big of chore to rehyadrate tobacco if you have to.



Starting to Get Obsessed
Jul 26, 2016
Okay, thanks so much! I wasn't sure if it was suppose to be like that or not. It's nice to know that you can basically dehydrate the really dry stuff.



Starting to Get Obsessed
Mar 21, 2016
I always use a ''Humydrole'' humidifier coin in both my tobacco pouch and jared tobacco.this seems to work quite well, for my pouch I just dip the coin in water once a month whereas the jared baccy seems to be moister for longer, I once bought a pouch of rum and maple which was drier than the Sharara and just used the method that pipesmokingtom mentioned over a weekend and all was well.



Sep 10, 2014
Hi folks,
This is actually quite an interesting topic. Some of the local, South African tobaccos, comes fossilised Mastadon dry. In fact, that is actually the way they should be smoked. On the other end of the spectrum, something like cherry Cavendish from the company that shall not be named, hint, chemical American drugstore blend, comes wetter than a drowned rat. My very humble opinion, that should not be smoked in any way, shape or form. That is, unless you don't have taste buds.



Starting to Get Obsessed
Jul 26, 2016
@burney That's my point of this thread. A new guy like me isn't going to know if a blend should be moist/soft or dry/brittle. I have no one in the area that knows anything about pipe smoking. I have since purchased some Half Pint Jars with a wide mouth. the 1.5oz pack of BR fit nicely inside and I was able to place some wet paper towels on top and seal it up. Just did so I'm counting down the hour or two before I check it.



Feb 21, 2013
Blends vary in how well they smoke dry. I'd try a blend before you rehydrate it, maybe just a half or 3/4 bowl as a sample. Some blends do nicely when dry, others require some moisture. If you're able to buy tobacco online without punitive customs, I think you'd enjoy trying some small quantities of bulk tobaccos, like Lanes and Peter Stokkeby, and others. This would introduce you to a wider variety of types of tobacco and help you learn which you like best.



The Bard Of Barlings
Jun 15, 2013
Southern Oregon
If the tobacco is brittle and crumbly, it's too dry and has probably dried out in the pouch. When you rehydrate, use distilled water. I find that most tobaccos deliver the most flavor when they feel dry to the touch, dry when squeezed, but still pliant.



Starting to Get Obsessed
Jul 26, 2016
@mso489 Thank you for the recommendations. As soon as I can I will purchase some online - I live in the US. Right now funds are a bit tight and I'm still playing catch up from starting a new job. Kinda sucks because I REALLY want to try more tobaccos, lol.
@sablebrush52 That is how I imagined the tobacco needing to be. Its so nice to know I was in the right ballpark. I used tap water this first go round....was before I learned to use distilled. Hope that doesn't mess up the tobacco.


Chasing Embers

Captain of the Black Frigate
Nov 12, 2014
I just fill a bowl and blow warm breath through the pipe until I can feel heat rising from the bowl. Brings it to the perfect moisture every time.



Nov 18, 2013
Drugstore OTC's are all doused with copious amounts of propylene glycol as a humectant so they can sit on a shelf in a plastic pouch for eons without drying out. It's one of the reasons (along with generally bottom of the barrel tobacco) those OTC's generally taste awful compared to decent blends. So if you get one and it's crunchy it's probably been sitting there since forever. Sure you could rehydrate it, but if it was me I'd take it as an opportunity to try some good tobacco.



Starting to Get Obsessed
Jul 26, 2016
@shutterbugg Once I can purchase some online I will. Funds are a bit tight right now. I've been checking out some sites and I've seen there are some that take paypal. So soon - hopefully.



Jul 11, 2014
North Central Florida
I don't find Carter Hall, Prince Albert, or SWR to be 'full of humectants'. Captain Black on the other hand, is that way. OTC is a misnomer and really describes tobacco that was readily available at the corner store and has been produced for decades and more accurately described as codger blends.

The three I mentioned are all sweet burley with unique topping flavor that is subtle and allows the tobacco to provide its flavor too, and burns very easily due to its cut or presentation. Easy loading and easy smoking.



Starting to Get Obsessed
Jul 26, 2016
@newbroom Thanks for the information. I'm learning something everyday but I really need to learn the difference between aromatics and non-aromatics, such as - whats the difference between the two?



Starting to Get Obsessed
Jul 26, 2016
Was able to get some Prince Albert and Carter Hall today, OTC from the same place I got the BR. There in little boxes with a pouch inside. I opened the Carter Hall - going to try it tonight - Its not dried out or too wet. It has a nice mellow smell, not to overpowering. Thanks goes out to you all for recommending them!



Starting to Get Obsessed
Jul 26, 2016
@paulie66scandina It wasn't bad. Very mellow and smooth. I'm not versed enough in tobacco's to really nail the taste down. I liked it though - I did notice it had a bit more punch nicotine wise that the others I have. Will most likely give the Prince Albert a go tonight.
It really isn't fair, that in this day and age we can't get the tobacco we want anywhere in the world. Whats the goto tobacco in the EU?

Jul 28, 2016
Hi Lotharen yes definitively, probably I'm trying to order a pouch of two CH later there online, meanwhile

lets take a Half and Half for exemple, it sells here in Europe around $ 10 a pouch, sounds pretty ridiculous ,isn't it?Have a Nice Time ,and keep exploring, Paul



Might Stick Around
Jul 6, 2016
I like what new broom said about Pa and Carter Hall for me both of those smoke very well, Edgeworth back in the 70's was always a good smoke for me too

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