Tobacco B&M prices

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Starting to Get Obsessed
Feb 26, 2013
A thing to keep in mind as well is the cost of actually running a shop. if your clientele is "anyone who has the interweb", you can operate on lower margins than if you are just working the needs of your neighborhood. Not to be crass or dismissive (especially as i just got a lovely box in from the kids at 4 noggins), but it's the Walmart effect. If you want to be able to see and touch before you buy, please support your local shops if you have any. In return, they should offer as fair a price as they are able, and kill the customer service and knowledgeability side of it. If they are jackholes, let them rot,but if they are doing their part, they are not trying to screw you, just trying to make money while serving our needs.
FWIW I have had this (similar) discussion with my B&M guys, and my local comic shop guy. The B&M calls me when something cool comes in, and will hold it, the comic shop guy sets my selections aside each week, and occasionally gives me insanely good home made pickles with hot peppers. So they both get my money unless there is an insurmountable price difference.
We, as consumers, have to make the choice constantly, and hopefully with some thought put in, as to when to support local, and when to buy online.



Feb 20, 2013
As mentioned above, it all depends on what state you are in...

And If you HAVE a local B&M store. In my part of Nevada I have to drive for a ways to find a "good" tobacconist for pipe tobacco so I mainly buy online or when I'm driving to other parts for work. Other than that, I don't worry about prices knowing all the different factors that dictate prices and that the B&M does deserve to make at least a small profit for the time & trouble of having a store.



Dec 8, 2010
I doubt B&Ms are making a killing no matter what the location - some are more unfortunate than others, though... If located in a high tax state, then they are going to be casualties whether they deserve it or not. It is a sad situation - a lot of good businesses and jobs are going to be lost due to these prohibitive taxation regimes.



Might Stick Around
Oct 22, 2012
In Vancouver, BC a 50 G tin of Solani 633 costs about $32. In fact a 50 G tin of anything at all costs about the same, because it's all taxes. The relative costs of different tobaccos become irrelevant in the face of the massive taxes. And I hear our recent budget is going to increase these prices considerably.
We have at least one very good B&M. I buy the odd can of tobacco from them, but I really can't support their prices, though they are not their fault. What I can do, however, is support them by buying pipes from them. They have a good selection, and will order in anything you need. Their prices are not much higher than web prices, and it is a great advantage to be able to actually see and hold the pipe you are considering.



Might Stick Around
Nov 1, 2012
We have an abundance of decent B&M's here. Some are better than others in the price department.I don't mind a bit of mark-up, I'm offended when the mark-up is in the 100% range, more so when it's blamed on taxes. I know exactly what the taxes are in my state. Don't BS me. The shop I buy most from charges close to internet prices, plus local taxes.For example the last tin of Pelican I bought was $13 plus sales tax, P&C lists it at $11.99. I buy mostly bulk and those prices are similarly close.

The biggest reason I use my B&M as much as I do is they put up with me. No internet shop would have answered all my dumb questions over the last 6 months, nor done it with such grace.I'm sure there were times they were glad to see me leave, I can be a real jerk some days. Plus I can haggle in person.



Part of the Furniture Now
Mar 17, 2012
The only real B&M that's handy to me is close to 2 hours away. The only places that I could pick up an OTC 50g pouch are 45 minutes away and aren't cheap. Last spring I paid $20 for some Borkum Riff and $25 for a pouch of Sail green. Since then, all my tobacco shopping has been online.



Might Stick Around
Feb 11, 2012
Here in Alabama, a 50 gram tin of pipe tobacco runs $14.50 plus 8% sales tax, and a 100 gram tin goes for $21.50 plus 8% sales tax. For the most part, I am trying to put my PAD on hold, and sinking my disposable income into TAD before things get any worse than they already are.



May 26, 2012
Sarasota Florida
Back before the state of Florida added the 85% wholesale tobacco tax, I did support my local guy a lot and I loved visiting his store. Now when I go in to get pipes cleaned or repaired, I feel bad for not spending as much as I used to. I look at his pipes but he doesn't carry pipes that I buy. He has Dunhill, Peterson, Savinelli, Randy Wiley, Ferndown, and his own house brand. His prices on pipes are retail and higher than on line but he will deal. His business now is probably 95% cigars where as years ago it was probably a 65-35 split, he used to sell a ton of pipe tobacco. He told me that if it were not for his European and Canadian customers( his shop is in one of the busiest tourist areas on the west coast of Florida, St Armands Circle) he would get out of the pipe business altogether. He carries 20% of the pipe tobacco he used to before the tax increase and no locals buy pipe tobacco from him anymore. He understands that no one should have to pay those insane taxes and is not pissed at customers like myself who buy their tobacco online. He is lucky that the state has no tax on cigars because if they put the pipe tobacco tax on cigars then he would be out of business for sure.
A friend of mine in Rhode Island use to sell a lot of pipes and pipe tobacco and when they jacked up the taxes in R.I like they did in Florida back in 09, it gutted his pipe business. He no longer sells pipes or pipe tobacco, only cigars and booze. When the other states see how much their neighbors are charging it is just a matter of time before they too jack up their taxes. Only the tobacco growing states will keep their taxes low, all others will be raping us.



Dec 5, 2012
Bronx, NY
My nearest tobacconist in Westchester NY charged $23.00 plus tax for a Dunhill 50gram tin. Came out to about $28.00.
The help was miserable; didn't know a thing, and clearly didn't care. True, it was on a Sunday, but still.
As a B and M retailer myself, having staff like that it is better to be closed on Sundays.



Mar 24, 2013
I buy Peterson's Nutty Cut from a low country online vender for $9 and can pick it up from my B&M for $13 plus tax. difference is I buy a couple of tins of NC at a time online and pay $5 for 2-3 day shipping. Just depends if your a I want it now or a hurry up and wait kind of guy. But I tend to save on the internet.



Dec 25, 2010
Columbus, Ohio
I just paid $13.95 for a tin of Peterson 3 3P's at a Tinderbox. I won a tin of Peterson Deluxe from their St. Patrick's Day sale. I won't smoke the Deluxe as I am not into aromatics but bought the 3 P's to help support them. The other tobacco shop I used to frequent charges about the same, but some of their prices are really high. A 100g tin of Rattrays or McClelland is over $23 a tin.



Part of the Furniture Now
The one shop near me in WV doesn't carry many tins, so I buy a few bulk blends from him they are 2-3 dollars an ounce. Winchester VA is fairly close to me 45 min or drive. and the prices are comparable to online, especially if I'm looking at having an urge for one baccy and don't want to wait for an order to get shipped and if I'm buying 1 or 2 tins instead of ordering a lb or more at a time it comes up a little less than online would be after factoring shipping.



Part of the Furniture Now
Nov 6, 2012
It looks like SC or WVA are the places to be guys. I may retire in Myrtle Beach or Hilton Head. LOL
Pennsylvania is very tobacco friendly too. You know, Little River, SC is where Smoking Pipes B&M is located. Awesome prices. Many times, better than online.
At my local B&M prices are typically a dollar or two more than the best price online, but with a "club" discount they are basically the same.



Can't Leave
May 16, 2011
Central OH a tin runs $12 - $14 give or take depending. SG & GH bulk run about $7.50 an oz deceasing as you buy more.
Hurray for a fellow central Ohioan! For the shop I go to, it's about a dollar or so more, though some blends are cheaper and some more expensive. When I buy in bulk I go online, but I do my best to support my local shop (Pipes & Pleasures) whenever possible. Every penny counts when you're trying to buy tobacco, ammo, alcohol and dates.



Jan 8, 2013
I purchased a tin of nightcap for about $20 before i knew boaut the forum and other websites. i believe nightcap runs about $10 dollars on some of the online sites. thats texas for you.



Jun 26, 2012
Just picked up a tin of frog morton across the pond here in New Mexico. With the firefighter discount it came to about 12 bucks. With out that discount I think they sell it for about 13.50 a tin.

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