I think the original post is two questions in one: A request for recipes for mixing tobaccos, and another for parfait combinations where the blends (or single leaf) are put in two or three layers. I've never gotten the layers to work so each blend arrived as a distinct taste. They seem to mix and meld anyway to some degree. For mixing, the basic beginners mix might be Virginia and burley in varied proportions so you can see what a difference proportions make. Then experiment with one condiment in various proportions, and don't just use Latakia then Perique. Also try unflavored black Cavendish, dark-fired, cigar leaf, Turkish, those sorts of things. I'd keep it to three tobaccos experimenting with various proportions, to get the hang of it. You'll find yourself "correcting" various blends that are too bland or a little harsh. Keep a record so you can reproduce your successes and avoid your failures. I've had some top notch smokes with home mixes, and not that many bad experiences.