I don't know what kind of redundancy system they built in, but living in Winnipeg I never experienced a power outage. Living here in Cheshire, Connecticut, power outages seem to be built into the system.
And now a little story to delight you on this cold winter's day. These two chaps are driving around in their pickup truck shivering in their parkas, in Saskatoon. One says to the other: "you know, I'm getting a bit tired of all this cold weather. Let's go to someplace warm for a few days." They had over to the airport, and they asked the ticket agent for two tickets on the next plane out to someplace warm she tells them there's a flight leaving for San Diego in half an hour. "We'll take it," they say. And then a few hours later they step off the plane, still in their parkas, in San Diego. Being good Canadians, they head for the nearest bar to have a couple of beers. They're sitting there, still wearing their parkas, enjoying their beers. At another table, a group of guys are staring at them and one of them says I wonder where they're from. Bob gets up and says "I'll go find out." He walks over to their table, and says: "hi there. Where you guys from?" – "Saskatoon, Saskatchewan." Comes the reply. He nods and walks back to his table. One of his friends asks "where they from?" "I don't know. They don't speak English."