HA! I was just about to say the same thing. Many of my fishing lures say this too. Seems to me that California is the problem.And here I was, convinced they only have adverse health effects in California
Don't fish and smoke there!
HA! I was just about to say the same thing. Many of my fishing lures say this too. Seems to me that California is the problem.And here I was, convinced they only have adverse health effects in California
If someone smokes the hat, and then dies, can their estate sue the government for misleading labeling?The warning label makes me think I should smoke the hat
Yes, and many other such things that the vast majority of people either know nothing about or simply don't care.I feel much safer, knowing that the government that brought me clandestine nuclear waste dumps, syphilis tests on prisoners and the Gold King Mine disaster is here to protect my health.
Yes, the mainstream, government approved, corporate, big-pharma sponsored "culture" is perfectly safe and healthy. Which is why we live in a society filled with morbidly obese, chronically ill, drooling zombies whose entire perception of reality comes from TV programming.Fluffie was a simple and quiet man who trusted the government and trusted the television. He ate the FDA recommend amount of food and took the regulated amount of vitamins along with his "as needed" prescribed doses of Xanax, Oxicontin and Adderall. He smoked his pipe, watched Fox News, bought what the commercials told him to buy, drank diet soda because anything labeled "diet" contained aspertame and aspertame is good because dieting is good. He watched NASCAR and used Tide. Your Honor, I ask you, how could this sheep of a man NOT think he could smoke the hat?