It’s been about fifty some years now, but I remember those old preachers that used to bend over the pulpit and look us all in the eye and say low and serious —-
A third of the world went to sleep last night under a thatched roof, hungry, and infected with tuberculosis, and without running water, and there you sit feeling sorry for yourself your car is three years old.
They are still preaching that in the Ozarks, and most of it is still the same, except the small towns of the Ozarks are much poorer now than then. Modern agriculture has devastated small farmers.
Mark me down as one for progress in feeding the hungry, healing the sick, and housing the homeless, and to hell with the bugs.
A third of the world went to sleep last night under a thatched roof, hungry, and infected with tuberculosis, and without running water, and there you sit feeling sorry for yourself your car is three years old.
They are still preaching that in the Ozarks, and most of it is still the same, except the small towns of the Ozarks are much poorer now than then. Modern agriculture has devastated small farmers.

Killer Diseases: One-Third of the World's Population Has TB
Mark me down as one for progress in feeding the hungry, healing the sick, and housing the homeless, and to hell with the bugs.