You mean I can pay to look at more pictures of her?the lady in the 1st photo makes her living as an adult model....nude.
Seeing that I haven't smoked a pipe in 2 months, not many. I donate regularly to the Feed The Children organization, everyone on here should too.How many people could be fed by your tobacco habit
This organization has been listed for many years as having the highest percentage of money that actually goes to the cause instead of large administration costs like a lot of charities. They give worldwide too. You will usually see their 30 minute segments on late night programming. It is unreal to see how here in the USA how poor people live through the Appalachian regions...dirt floors, no running water, no food for lots of women and children, but we spend 170 Million every day on foreign wars we have no business being in...but that will open up a whole big can of sh*t around here.Great link hobbie! Def a cause worth more attention.
Ha ...What a variety of posts [8O]
Dammit, you had to ruin it.More bounce to the ounce
More cushion to the pushin [:mrgreen:]
Roll them in flour, and aim for the wet spot.
Touche, dervis ... infinite jest never fails to burn down the house.Great link hobbie! Def a cause worth more attention.